Exit button with partial completion | XM Community

Exit button with partial completion

  • 11 July 2020
  • 2 replies


Is there a way to create (exit & save) button but with saving the current answer and the respondents can come back later to continue the survey?
the survey will be emailed to previous known respondents so the link will be unique but I want them to exit the survey and continue in later day at the question where they stop at it which is a loop and merge question..

2 replies


Hi Zey,
I am not sure if there is an exit and save button but under "survey options" you can enable "save and continue". This will allow respondents to return and continue taking the survey.
Additionally, check the settings for partial completion (also under survey options) to ensure that you respondents can continue taking the survey. If the time period is too short, e.g. 4 hours, respondents will not be able to continue taking the survey after their data is recorded or deleted.
Hope this helps!


Thanks Donella.

I wonder if there is a way to create an exit button that works as save the answer and quit the survey for the partial response but when they back will direct them to where they stop to continue.

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