Loop & Merge multi-answer data in Dashboard | XM Community

Loop & Merge multi-answer data in Dashboard

  • 18 November 2019
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1
Hello Qualtrics users!

I have a survey with a loop & merge based on images. For each image, we ask 4 questions, one of which is a multi-answer (check all the words you would use to describe the image). I'm having trouble reporting the data in the dashboard...

I can report all the adjectives checked for one image. How would you map the variables to show the % of a specific adjective for each image?

Right now I know how to show this:

How can I show this (manually edited image):

I've thought about creating as many new bucketing variables as I have images and adjectives but obviously it's very long and probably not the right way to do this?

Thanks for your help!

2 replies

best way is to do data stacking or create response level data and import in one survey which you can use to create dashboard.
Userlevel 1
Thanks @Rock!

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