Asking respondents to complete a word fragment | XM Community

Asking respondents to complete a word fragment

  • 19 November 2019
  • 3 replies

Hi all,

I need to ask my respondents to complete the word fragment such as "_ A T E". In this case, they can fill in the blank with an "H," to make "HATE," an "L," to make "LATE," etc. How can I include a question like this in Qualtrics? I know I could use a text entry form, with boxes for each letter, but when it comes to word-fills more like "T _ M _ E R," I'm concerned that it would make it difficult for respondents to reply. I'm utterly out of practice with code, so any advice would be appreciated.

TIA for any help.

3 replies

You can create multi entry box, so like two open end boxes fpr "T _ M _ E R," Reespondent can enter word in boxes and you can concatenate these words as single word to be stored as embedded data.
@Rock I understand that I can include multiple boxes and store the whole word as embedded data, sorry I should have made that clear.

I am asking how to present the question more coherently to the respondent. For example, if instead of clicking on two boxes below the word "T _ M _ E R," to fill in the first and second blank respectively, if they could just click the blanks in the word "T _ M _ E R," and type directly "into the word,"or even better, if they could just start typing and the cursor would jump from the first blank to the second automatically- that would be ideal.

EDIT: I just thought of it- I want to sort of "embed" the means by which to answer in the question itself, rather than forcing the respondent to answer below.
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exhaustedwerewolf If you haven't resolved this yet (I know it's been a minute), you might try this thread:

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