Covid-19 Text Topic | XM Community

Covid-19 Text Topic


Hi All,
Wondering if anyone has advice for creating a Covid-19 text topic for a global survey which is translated into many languages? Of course we have gone with things like COVID, coronavirus, pandemic, health crisis, etc., but I noticed that this is disproportionately pulling comments from North America (90%). I'm curious if there are names for the virus that are not captured using the translation tool. Any advice?
Thank you in advance!

4 replies

Badge +9

Cant help with the additional languages but this is what we started with on our Covid-19 topic...
Single keywords: covid19, co-vid19, covid-19,covid 19, covid, coronavirus, cornavirus, cronavirus
Combination keywords: 

  • flu /purell / sanitizer in combination with corona / coronavirus / covid

  • corona / korona / crona / corna / wuhan in combination with virus

  • corona in combination with epidemic

  • virus but exclude laptop / app / website / online / phone / mobile / computer virus



Thanks for sharing James! Definitely some good additions here that we didn't have.

Good prctices anyone following on reporting corona commentary or covid relted reporting.

Userlevel 3
Badge +15

For my clients, I am doing two additional types of reporting which are not time-intensive. They both involve CX Dashboard pages.
1) Creating a duplicate of core dashboard pages that show trend charts, with the trending time intervals shorter than what the clients normally look at. So the clients can now look at weekly data rather than monthly, or monthly rather than quarterly.
2) Creating a COVID-19 comments page with multiple Response Grid widgets. This consolidates all comments from multiple surveys on one page. The widgets are then each filtered on comments including certain keywords (like the folks above mentioned). Our keyword list currently is: corona, virus, coronavirus, epidemic, pandemic, crisis, laid off, layoff, unemployed, quarantine, isolation, isolate, lockdown, lock down.

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