Linking back to Qualtrics from external site | XM Community

Linking back to Qualtrics from external site

  • 24 April 2018
  • 4 replies

I am trying to set up a survey where my participants begin and end in Qualtrics, but redirect to Sawtooth in the middle of the survey to complete a max diff exercise. I understand how to pass information such as ResponseID from Qualtrics to Sawtooth and then back to Qualtrics within the link URL, but I am having an issue with getting Qualtrics to recognize my participant as the same participant. Does anyone know what data I would need to send from Sawtooth back to Qualtrics within the URL to get Qualtrics to recognize that the same participant is re-entering the survey to complete the remainder of the task?

Best answer by TomG 24 April 2018, 19:08

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +20
Hi @ketracey

Are you using an anonymous link or individual link for this?
Also, can you please share the URL which you are using to getting into Qualtrics from Sawtooth?
Thanks for the reply! I've been using the anonymous link. Here is the URL:[% rid %]&ResponseID=[% ResponseID %]&ready=1

So I was attempting to pass rid (my embedded data) and ResponseID fields back to Qualtrics as well as a "ready" flay that I used in the survey flow to send it into the second half of the survey (though that clearly can't be the right way to set it). However, it seems that Qualtrics is not letting me set ResponseID from the URL and is assigning a new ResponseID to the second half of the survey.
Userlevel 7
Badge +27
Sorry to tell you, but it isn't going to work the way you are doing it. You can't continue a response by passing a ResponseID. You either need to generate/email individual links with the Save & Continue option turned on or use an Authenticator with the "Reload" option turned on.

The other options are to (1) never leave the Qualtrics survey by doing your Sawtooth task in an iframe or another browser window, or (2) have two different Qualtrics surveys and match up the data on the back end using your rid.

Of course, doing the max diff exercise in Qualtrics would avoid the issue altogether.
Thanks for your response! I was considering option number 2 as perhaps the simplest given the complexities here.

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