Decision Accuracy Calculator

When you make smarter decisions, you make more money.

We asked leading product and marketing professionals to estimate the impact that research analytics had on the success of their products. This decision-accuracy calculator will display the added revenue potential you can expect with research analytics.

Enter your sales goal for a project


Use the industry guidelines or move the sliders freely to see how much more accurate your decisions can be with advanced analysis tools.

Set the right price point with Conjoint Analysis


Know the features that drive purchase with Regression


Get your product features right with Product Concept Testing


Increase Purchase Intent with Brand Tracking


On one project, Advanced Analysis Tools just made you an additional:$0

Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint identifies the price and feature combination most likely to win market share

Regression Analysis

Regression reveals which features drive purchases, and which don't

Product Concept Testing

Concept Testing predicts how different groups will react to product concepts

Brand Tracking

Brand Tracking benchmarks how your marketing builds awareness and reputation

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See how Chobani uses Qualtrics XM to bring innovative new products to the Australian market

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Stats iQ

Meet the world’s most powerful statistical analysis tool—that also happens to be the world’s easiest

Either you are a statistician, or you’re not. And let’s be real, most of us are not. Stats iQ changes that, forever. Stats iQ gives everyone from beginners to expert analysts the power to uncover meaning in data, identify hidden trends, and produce predictive models. No statistical training required.

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