[[AdvancedFormat]] [[ED:State]] [[ED:Gender]] [[ED:SawSurvey:1]] [[Block:MC Block]] [[Question:MC:Dropdown]] drop down [[Choices]] a b c [[Question:MC:Select]] select [[Choices]] a b c [[Question:MC:MultiSelect]] multiselect [[Choices]] a b c [[Question:MC:SingleAnswer:Horizontal]] single answer horizontal [[Choices]] a b c [[Question:MC:MultipleAnswer:Horizontal]] multiple answer horizontal [[Choices]] a b c [[Block]] [[Question:MC]] [[ID:q1]] This is a multiple choice question. With one value recoded. [[AdvancedChoices]] [[Choice]] a choice with text on multiple lines [[Choice]] b [[Choice]] c [[Choice:99]] N/A with recode 99 [[PageBreak]] [[Question:Matrix]] This question is a matrix question. It has lots of question text on multiple lines and uses advanced answers. [[Choices]] statement a statement b statement c [[AdvancedAnswers]] [[Answer]] answer 1 [[Answer]] answer 2 [[Answer]] answer 3 [[PageBreak]] [[Question:Matrix]] This question is a matrix question and uses advanced choices and answers with recode values. [[AdvancedChoices]] [[Choice]] a [[Choice]] b [[Choice]] c [[Choice]] d [[AdvancedAnswers]] [[Answer:10]] answer 1 - recode 10 [[Answer:20]] answer 2 - recode 20 [[Answer:30]] answer 3 - recode 30