
Each time a respondent finishes their survey session – whether they screen out because they don’t qualify for your target, complete the entire study, or fail a quality check – they will see a final message. The default says “We thank you for your time spent taking this survey. Your response has been recorded.” However, we need to show our participants custom messages depending on (a) the panel they belong to and (b) their completion status.

We will be implementing the redirect links that take participants to the correct end page. These pages will let them know if they completed or were screened out and are the standard pages they see after every study. This consistency allows our respondents to expect a certain process each time they take a study and streamlines the process.

If you need to allow respondents to redirect to a specific place or see a specific end message, please let us know, and we’ll talk to you about options for doing so – there are some great workarounds that allow both of us to set what we need.

Survey Flow Custom End of Survey