Skip Logic

The thing that we change that gets the most questions from clients is the skip logic. Skip logic is added to ensure that a respondent is screened out immediately after not qualifying (screening questions) or failing a quality check.

We will be changing ALL “skip to end of survey” items to “skip to end of block”. Respondents will still be kicked to the end of the survey and will not count as completes. However, we will do this through the survey flow rather than the skip logic, allowing up to capture specific variables (gc values – 1 is a complete, 2 is a terminate, 3 is an over quota, and 4 is a quality fail, reasons why people screened out, etc.) and redirect respondents to our correct landing pages. This is all for tracking purposes on our end but will be useful for you as well if you record terminates. If we were to skip to end of survey, we bypass all the programming we’ve created and won’t capture respondents correctly on our end – meaning we’ll record them as “drop outs” in our system and will suffer from a low IR and inaccurate reporting.

Please do not change ANY skip logic back to end of survey after we’ve begun working on your project.

Skip Logic