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Faculty satisfaction: survey template and example questions

3 min read
If you’re trying to understand how your faculty feel, the first step is running a satisfaction survey. Here’s a survey template to get you started and a guide to how you should run the process.

With faculty satisfaction surveys, you’ll go through 3 stages:

  • Collect feedback from faculty
  • Review the data
  • Communicate the data and your actions

For an annual faculty survey, this will all happen over one year.

But for pulse surveys, this process typically happens at a smaller scale (ie within a department) and more frequently. It means running a short survey every term to get a more accurate picture of how satisfaction may fluctuate at different points in the year – for example, your faculty may feel very different at the beginning of the year as they do at exam time. And those variances can give you a much clearer idea of what you need to do and at which times.

Learn more about Employee Satisfaction

1. How positive or negative are your interactions with other members of your department?

  • Extremely positive
  • Slightly positive
  • Neither positive nor negative
  • Slightly negative
  • Extremely negative

2. How effective is the leadership of your department?

  • Extremely effective
  • Very effective
  • Moderately effective
  • Slightly effective
  • Not effective at all

3. How valued do feel your input and opinions are to department leaders?

  • Extremely valued
  • Very valued
  • Moderately valued
  • Slightly valued
  • Not valued at all

4. How effectively are your talents being utilised by the department?

  • Extremely effectively
  • Very effectively
  • Moderately effectively
  • Slightly effectively
  • Not effectively at all

5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the senior administration at [school/university]?

  • Extremely satisfied
  • Slightly satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Slightly dissatisfied
  • Extremely dissatisfied

6. How fair or unfair are the administrative procedures at [school/university]?

  • Extremely fair
  • Slightly fair
  • Neither fair nor unfair
  • Slightly unfair
  • Extremely unfair

7. How manageable or unmanageable is your teaching requirement at [school/university]?

  • Extremely manageable
  • Slightly manageable
  • Neither manageable nor unmanageable
  • Slightly unmanageable
  • Extremely unmanageable

8. How easy or difficult is it to focus on your students’ education and wellbeing?

  • Extremely easy
  • Slightly easy
  • Neither easy nor difficult
  • Slightly difficult
  • Extremely difficult

9. How easy or difficult is it to obtain the resources that you need for teaching at [school/university]?

  • Extremely easy
  • Slightly easy
  • Neither easy nor difficult
  • Slightly difficult
  • Extremely difficult

10. How fairly are you compensated for your work at [school/university]?

  • Extremely fairly
  • Very fairly
  • Moderately fairly
  • Slightly fairly
  • Not fairly at all

11. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with [school/university] as a place to work?

  • Extremely satisfied
  • Slightly satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Slightly dissatisfied
  • Extremely dissatisfied

12. How likely or unlikely are you stay at [school/university] for the next year?

  • Extremely likely
  • Quite likely
  • Not sure
  • Quite unlikely
  • Extremely unlikely

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