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Internal stakeholders to bring in for your employee engagement survey

2 min read
Plenty of people will be involved in designing, administering and reporting on your employee engagement program. See who they are and get our handy guides to bringing them on board

1. The executive team

Your company’s leadership team will have a keen interest at all stages of the process, from designing the engagement survey right through to the actions you take to improve engagement once the results are in.

You’ll need them onboard from the outset, as their buy-in will usually cascade downwards and help to make sure you get other key stakeholders onboard.

2. Senior HR staff

The ultimate owners of the employee engagement survey project, HR directors and Talent and Development Directors will be the ones reporting into the leadership team about the initiative.

So it’s essential to work with them so they understand how it works and the actions you expect to take as a result. They’re likely to be your biggest advocates with the exec team and if you engage them well, they can help gain visibility for your program.

3. HR business partners and regional leads

In larger or multinational organisations, regional or business leads with HR will act as your generals, working with managers in specific business units to help with reporting and taking action on the feedback you receive.

Their role is key in larger organisations as you won’t be able to work directly with lots of different units so they’ll help you drive action across the business.

4. Line managers

Later in the process, once ask the feedback is in, line managers will be responsible for leading discussion on their team’s results and working with them to make improvements.

It’s important they’re on board and know exactly what you expect of them. They may need coaching in how to discuss the results with their teams, answer questions and lead actions to drive improvements later on.

5. Employees

The people whose open, honest responses you’ll need in order to drive real improvements in the business, employees are at the heart of any engagement program.

There are plenty of things you’ll need to do from assuring them their responses are anonymous (really, you can’t emphasise it enough!) to letting them know about the actions and improvements that are put in place as a response to their feedback.

Get started with our free employee engagement survey template