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Designing exceptional experience with FanXM

Gain exclusive access to game-changing strategies and expert knowledge from industry leaders in
fan engagement.

This insightful session is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to maximise fan interactions, both online and offline, improving fan satisfaction and unlocking revenue opportunities for your organisation.

During this webinar, we’ll cover:

  • Supporting an integrated fan experience: Discover how Qualtrics can play a vital role in supporting an integrated fan experience across all channels. We will showcase innovative technologies that facilitate streamlined interactions, thereby fostering deeper fan engagement and loyalty.
  • Continuous improvement and development: Gain insights into strategies to enable continuous improvement of the experiences offered by your organisation. Drawing from industry best practices, we will showcase ever-evolving experiences which consistently exceed fan expectations.
  • FanXM priority use cases: We will delve into specific use cases that highlight how Fan Experience Management can drive tangible business value. These examples will inspire you with fresh ideas on how to leverage fan interactions to generate revenue growth and enhance the overall success of your organisation.
  • Fan journeys across all platforms: Irrespective of how your fans choose to view or engage with your organisation, it is essential to optimise their journey for ultimate satisfaction. We will present actionable techniques to enhance fan experiences across various platforms, including live events, online platforms, and social media channels.

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