Remove scale points for specific statements in matrix table? | XM Community

Remove scale points for specific statements in matrix table?

  • 14 October 2019
  • 2 replies


I was just wondering if there is a way to remove scale points (e.g., 6th column or N/A option) from a matrix table for specific questions/statements?

For clarity, the matrix table I want would have blank spaces where those scale points would normally be.

Thanks for any assistance!


2 replies

I just did this today.
Paste the following into the JS section of the question this is for.

a=Question QID
b=Row #
c=Col #
Userlevel 4
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@Kalkausm said:
> $('QR~QIDa~b~c').up('td').childElements().invoke('hide');

I was able to get this to work in a traditional matrix table, but it seemed to break for a matrix table in which the choice rows used display logic.

I assume the javascript is getting confused when choice rows are hidden due to the display logic where, say, Row 5 may actually appear as Row 1 when first 4 were hidden.

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