How to add multiple images into one question? | XM Community

How to add multiple images into one question?

  • 2 November 2019
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone, I'm just getting to grips with this software and I'm having a bit of trouble trying to work out how to work it.

Basically, I want my participant to see an array of 5 images, randomized, and then they will see another image after that and will be asked if that image had been in the previous array. Is it possible to add multiple images to one question? Or would I have to create the array as its own image and import that?

Thanks in advance!

2 replies

Hi GreenSparklyCat,

If I understand you correctly, yes - you can do that, but with a workaround by using the images in the question answers, not the question itself.

Instead of making the question itself hold the images you can make each image an answer to a multiple choice question, randomize them, and have the question instructions read something like "review the images below carefully and above and then click the next arrow" so you can randomize them. Then in the next question you can add in your new image, randomized to have the respondent identify the new image or not... I think that's what you're getting at?
Userlevel 5
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Hi @GreenSparklyCat it's a little unclear as to whether you just need to display images in a row or whether the randomization is critical. If the randomization is necessary and you don't want to use the option of making them your response options as suggested, you might be able to achieve this by editing the source code. I'm not wizard enough to know how to do this, but this page may help.

If the randomization is not critical, you can just upload multiple images into the question.

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