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Watch a limited release of the X4 Summit 2023 sessions on demand Access now

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Making business more human starts with the frontlines

The days of always having to ask customers about their experience are over. You had a front row seat for the next major evolution of XM. Aligning strategy, culture, and your frontline can power your organisation to new heights by providing the tools you need to take personalised, real-time action at scale.

You were front row for strategies and inspiration from Lufthansa, BMW, REWE, UNIQA and IONITY

MainStage keynote with Mark Rober

You joined nearly 400 XM leaders for a day of inspiring keynotes and practical guidance

From brands like BMW, Lufthansa, REWE, Merck and Uniqa, to Qualtrics leading strategists and our very own CEO, Zig Serafin – it was a day that ran the gamut from moments intended to inspire you to take a leap into XM, and sessions that showed you step-by-step how to do it. If you want to review again, or share with your team, here’s all of the decks available to you on demand:

  • Zig Serafin, Qualtrics
  • Lufthansa + Kantar
  • Rewe + Skopos
  • Ionity + Prof. Gorman
  • Uniqa
  • Moira Dorsey, Qualtrics XM Institute
MainStage with Malala

You learned about the power of human connection

Moira Dorsey advocated for the power of empathy and agility in trying times, while the inimitable Dr Peter Lovatt brought the house down with a display of shared joy. And if you want an experience to be long-lasting, it has to evoke a deep visceral reaction. The emotional connections created don’t just bind us to family and friends, they also bind us to organizations too, leading to engaged employees and satisfied customers.

MainStage keynote with Malala
Breakout session

You got a sneak peek at the newest CX innovations

We only scratched the surface of the Qualtrics innovations available now or coming soon in Germany. Customer Journey Optimizer, for example, will transform how organisations like your organisation can monitor and manage omnichannel journeys, guiding customers to where they want to go (in the cheapest way possible). But that’s just the half of it. Across our global X4 tour, we’ve announced many more new features that can help your organisation to continue to grow. Read more

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X4 crowd listening to a silent breakout session

Thanks for innovating with us at X4

  • Death to ‘Consumers’
    Featuring: Liquid Death
  • The Metrics of Lovability
    Featuring: Google Fiber
  • Adding Color To Critical Decisions
    Featuring: Crayola

Keep an eye on your inbox for session recaps, so you can revisit a limited release of the breakout sessions.

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Crowd watching breakout sessions


Thanks for innovating with us at X4

X4 audience

X4 Munich may be over, but the tour continues apace and we’re continuing to learn from XM leaders globally. Here are some of the lessons learned from expert speakers at our flagship event in the US. Learn more

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