Discover how to define the ROI of your CX programme (and prove it to your bosses)
Thursday 16 March 2023 // 9.30AM CET
Dimostra l’incredibile valore del tuo programma CX definendone il ritorno sull’investimento nel 2023. E scopri come dimostrare il tuo valore agli stakeholder mentre entriamo in tempi economici incerti.
*La masterclass si terrà in lingua inglese.
Prove the incredible value of your CX programme by defining its return on investment in 2023. And discover how you prove your value to stakeholders as we enter uncertain economic times.
Prove the incredible value of your CX programme by defining its ROI 2023. And discover how you prove your value to stakeholders as we enter uncertain economic times.
Led by James Scutt of the Qualtrics XM Institute, this live, in-person masterclass will enable you to build the business case for everything you do.
Based on findings from our recent ROI of CX report, you’ll discover:
- How to determine and demonstrate ROI
- How experience affects loyalty and likelihood to recommend
- The economic impact of good and bad experiences
- The skills and competencies you need to succeed in CX
Once you leave the session, you’ll have the means and data to prove why a CX programme is a must – and why your organisation needs to invest in it, even during tough times.
The event will take place from 9.30 a.m to 3 p.m. including lunch and coffee breaks. There will also be a reception at the end of the day to network with other attendees and share stories.

James Scutt is a Principal XM Catalyst with Qualtrics XM Institute. Recognised as one of Europe’s leading Experience Management experts and CX Leader of the Year, James has a highly successful background spanning government, retail, financial services, and hospitality industries. Prior to Qualtrics, he successfully led the customer experience transformation in the UK Post Office and also worked as an award-winning chef.
Hotel NH Collection Milano PresidentLargo Augusto, 10, 20122 Milano MI
9.30AM – 3.00PM CET
Hotel NH Collection Milano President
Largo Augusto, 10, 20122 Milano MI