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Product Naming Research Tool

Use market research to find the perfect product name for new or existing products

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Product naming report

Increase your odds of product success by leveraging market research to find the ideal name. With XM solutions product naming, validate how your market feels about each name and ensure your name aligns with your brand strategy. Learn more about our product naming XM Solution.

  • Make your product easier to sell
  • Turn your product into a brand advertisement
  • Drive brand growth

Discover which names best represent your brand

Effortless survey design

Get to actionable insights faster with our user-friendly survey design. With just a few clicks you can capture critical qualitative and quantitative data on potential names — without an expensive focus group. Qualtrics’ powerful capabilities make it easy for potential customers to rank and rate their favorite names to give you the data you need to move forward with confidence.

Visualized product name testing

Instantly separate winning product names from poor performers. Robust reporting tools visualize your survey responses to deliver the data you need at a glance, with minimal effort. Compare and contrast names based on key characteristics including appeal, creativity, relevance, and more. Qualtrics’ reporting suite makes it simple.

Unearth hidden text insights

Rich insights often lie buried in your open text responses. Use the power of AI to uncover key themes and sentiment surrounding product names. Instantly surface the most relevant data without reading each comment one-by-one.

Learn more about our automated XM Solution
for product naming

Your personal open text interpreter

You don’t need to pay an intern to read and analyze all of your open text. Put the power of machine learning to work to automatically categorize and rank your open text responses. Discover which product names evoke emotions consistent with your brand strategy and fail to deliver your intended message.

Crucial insights from your target market

Enticing the right audience with your product name starts with engaging with them. Test your brand and product names with your target market before launching. From general population to environmental enthusiasts to affluent online shoppers, we’ve got you covered. Qualtrics can help you build the ideal panel of respondents to give you an accurate view of name performance.

What is product naming research?

Much like it sounds, name research helps identify the best name for a company, product, or service. A study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology revealed that consumers who name products are more likely to purchase or consider them. By screening and testing your names with real and potential customers, you can have greater confidence that you’ve picked the ideal candidate.

learn about product naming studies