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Virtual bourbon tasting: Customer centric transformation in
financial services

December 14 / 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET

Industry & digital disruption are accelerating in financial services. In an increasingly crowded market, first-movers are looking holistically at their CX methodologies to generate business value and establish competitive advantage.

Join this live discussion with Qualtrics and First National Bank of Omaha to learn how leaders are:

  • Rethinking the business case for customer-centric transformation
  • Creating a holistic customer experience 
  • Focusing on next-generation journey measurement & optimization

In addition to the above, we will be joined by a professional bourbon consultant who will walk us through a virtual tasting and how to create the perfect old-fashioned. Please provide your preferred mailing address using the format street address (with suite or apartment number), city, state, and zip code, so we can send you your tasting and cocktail materials.


When: Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 4 PM ET
Where: A calendar invitation with the Zoom link will be included in your confirmation email


4:00 PM ET // Customer spotlight story with First National Bank of Omaha’s Don Elliott, VP of CX, and Shorit Ghosh, XM Executive Advisor, Qualtrics

4:30 PM ET // Bourbon tasting and old-fashioned cocktail recipe by Distilled Living

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Picture of Don Elliott

Don Elliott

Vice President of Customer Experience
First National Bank of Omaha

Don has worked in the finance industry over the last 30 years with half of that time spent specifically in the customer experience space. He is currently the VP of CX at FNBO where he helps lead the bank in their pursuit of being a customer led organization.

Picture of Shorit Ghosh

Shorit Ghosh

XM Executive Advisor

Shorit leads the value advisory function at Qualtrics and helps customers understand how experience management (XM) technology can be operationalized to improve financial metrics such as increased revenue, reduced cost and churn rates.

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