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A Resource Guide for Web Developers

Web developers are responsible for ensuring the websites people use on a daily basis are attractive and function properly. Between creating an appealing look, designing easy navigation, and keeping every aspect of the site working as intended, developers have a lot of responsibilities. It's clear that web development is a big job, and that is why there are specializations within the web-development field that help break up the various tasks that need doing. For example, backend web developers are the ones who write the code that makes the website run. These specific developers test and correct any issues with the code and design the website's basic structure. They are not responsible for the visual parts of the website, though. That's the responsibility of front-end designers. Front-end designers depend heavily on coding languages like JavaScript and HTML to create functioning, attractive layouts that incorporate various types of content, including pictures, videos, and content blocks. Full-stack developers are the ones who handle both and are responsible for a website's back and front ends.

Even a relatively simple website contains several different elements and responsibilities. For example, someone designing an entire website from scratch may also be responsible for registering the website's domain name and arranging hosting. Choosing the right host can be a complicated task all on its own since it depends on the type of website and the needs of the business or organization to whom the website belongs. When deciding, web developers have three different types of web hosting to choose from. Shared hosting is the least expensive option as it is when various websites share the same server, which includes sharing resources like bandwidth. Large websites or those with a lot of traffic aren't good fits for shared hosting because they require more resources to run smoothly. Another choice is Virtual Private Server hosting (VPS). With VPS, one server is divided virtually to give each website some benefits of a dedicated private server without all the expensive associated costs. Moderately busy websites often do well with VPS hosting. Complex or high-traffic websites, however, need private hosting. Private hosting is where a website has a dedicated server and doesn't have to share bandwidth with others.

In addition to hosting, websites require a lot of content to make them attractive to users. Luckily, there are lots of free resources available on the internet to help developers fulfill the website's content needs. Font choice, for example, is an important decision. It's possible to find free, pre-designed font packages of attractive fonts that are free to use and paired with complementary fonts. Color palettes are another key aspect of developing attractive and usable websites. Just like fonts, free color palettes are available with all the necessary information built-in for developers. Pictures and videos are especially important for developing a website as they help capture people's attention and make them want to spend time on the site. But it is crucial that developers only use content they are licensed to use. Libraries of photos and videos help developers ensure they aren't accidentally violating copyright law.

People just starting out in web development are often overwhelmed with the thought of designing their first website. After all, more complicated websites require using several different types of code. The good news? There are many templates available. These prebuilt templates provide the basic framework for a website and allow beginner developers to experiment with website design. Using these templates, developers can customize some of the website's functionality, navigation, and appearance to suit the brand or organization's needs.







Color Palettes



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David Dungan

Dave is a digital marketing manager at Qualtrics and writes on a wide range of topics aimed at providing useful information to our diverse audience. He lives in Dublin, Ireland and is an avid martial arts, sports, music, and technology enthusiast.

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