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Aaron Carpenter

Author Bio

Aaron is a highly skilled and accomplished content strategist specializing in experience management. With a keen understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of digital content, Aaron brings a unique perspective to the art of crafting engaging and impactful experiences for users.

Articles attributed to Aaron Carpenter

Top market research analyst skills for 2024

Market research is a rapidly evolving space. Artificial intelligence is completely reshaping what’s possible, by who and the skills researchers need to bring the most value to their work and themsel...

By Aaron Carpenter, Will Webster

UNLEASH World: Unveiling what's next in the world of HR

Get a quick summary of some of the main topics at UNLEASH World, the world’s most influential HR technology conference and exhibition, as well as key insights into what might come next. From indu...

By Aaron Carpenter

Winning the war for talent starts with AI

As the global talent shortage becomes increasingly apparent, and organizations double-down on new strategies to attract the best of the best from an increasingly small pool, can artificial intelligenc...

By Aaron Carpenter

Who’s responsible: You or the machine? Everything you should consider about AI

From start-ups and large corporations to grocery stores, every single brand, business and outlet wants to get in on artificial intelligence. After all, those who fail to embrace it are destined to fal...

By Aaron Carpenter

What do we mean by people experience?

More than just employee satisfaction or engagement, people experience is all about creating a human, holistic and positive workplace experience that fosters well-being, productivity, and growth. In th...

By Aaron Carpenter

Experience data: the currency of the future

From products and services to customers and employees, experience data is transforming how brands and businesses engage. But what is experience data? And how has it become the most transformational va...

By Aaron Carpenter

17 Market research tools you should be using

From trawling the mighty US Census, to calculating percent change in an instant, there’s a whole lot of research tools out there to help you do your job as a market researcher. When you’re conduc...

By Aaron Carpenter, Ruth D'Alessandro