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Why Qualtrics

Impact by Data: Jessica’s Mission as a Senior Specialist, Sales Ops

I have two loves: numbers and being able to make an impact. Those things drove me to study statistics in college and eventually, to work at Qualtrics. My decision to join the team is confirmed on a daily basis when I see our clients conduct surveys that enable them to make a difference for their brand, their students, and their customers. I’ve learned that Qualtrics truly is a company that cares about the difference they make in the world.

What attracted you to Qualtrics in the first place?

When in college, I attended a career fair for STEM majors. Before the fair, I was looking up the different companies that were going to be there and I saw photo after photo of gray offices and tight cubicles. Qualtrics stood out with its culture. The office was inviting and open, their values were clear in every way they presented themselves, and (omg!) dogs were allowed in the office!

What is your favorite part of your role?

Having an impact on high-level goals. As with most companies, Sales is a huge piece of the organization. Working in Sales Operations, I'm able to assist sales leaders in their efforts to exceed expectations and motivate representatives. My team is able to make sense of the loads of data we have, then report it in easy-to-understand ways so that it's actually helpful in making changes. I'm doing what I love (playing with numbers) while making important impacts.

So, you’re not originally from Utah. Will you tell us your story of moving here?

I grew up in the Midwest - born and raised in Kansas City and attended college in Indiana. But, now that I live surrounded by mountains, I always feel like something is missing when I visit outside Utah. Utah is a beautiful place with endless adventures just minutes away. When/if I ever move away, I doubt I will have actually seen everything I wanted to see. And with how friendly and social your Qualtrics coworkers are, I instantly had a huge group of friends going through similar moves that made the transition seamless and exciting.

What surprised you most about working at Qualtrics?

How much they care about their employees. I notice the culture every day in the little things. Comparing to other college friends' experiences, I know I'm being spoiled. It's all because Qualtrics realizes how important the employee experience is. Happy employees are productive employees.

How have you become involved in community at Qualtrics?

I've been highly involved in our Green Team group, fighting for more sustainable practices for our company. Especially with our growth, it's important to ensure we're aware of our impact on the environment and doing what we can to lessen that. Our group meets often to work on goals such as installing solar panels and having events promoting green habits. Great to have our company allow us this time to give voice to our passions!

Qualtrics is growing, and if you're ready to find your "why" at a place like this, you can explore our open opportunities at any time by visiting our career page. Looking to discover more reasons "Why Qualtrics"? You can find the whole series here.

Want to chat? You can get in touch by checking out Qualtrics Life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Jessica is an alumnus of Indiana University Bloomington and started her career at Qualtrics. She fosters dogs here in Utah, and she can sing the alphabet backward.


Qualtrics Life

Qualtrics Life is nothing more or less than a collection of the stories, experiences, and voices of the people of Qualtrics.

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