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Why Qualtrics

‘Why Qualtrics’ – Vicki T. – Research Services Enterprise Sales

What attracted you to Qualtrics in the first place?

It was the potential to join an incredibly fast growing company early enough in the growth stage that I can truly have an impact on the team and the company as a whole. And the fact that they were looking for people like me was incredibly attractive – because bringing in outside perspectives and experiences can help to accelerate growth and I am excited and humbled to get to be a part of that.

What was the turning point where you 'had to have the job'?

I knew I had to have the job when I almost didn’t get it. I know it sounds weird, but the more I spoke to Qualtrics (along with the other companies I was dancing with) I finally was able to envision my path, and it was at Qualtrics. I did not see myself at any of the other companies in 5 years let alone 3, but I could easily envision the long term growth at Qualtrics – and I felt that had the be the sign.

What is your 'why'? Why do you do what you do... How does Qualtrics connect with your 'why'?

I like helping others to realize their potential. I have been fortunate to have been mentored by some amazing people who have helped me search inside myself to identify what makes me who I am and in the past few years, I have received greater joy from working with others to identify the same thing in themselves. I aspire to inspire and Qualtrics has given me an opportunity to do just that.

One day I want to own my own brewery. I’ve always wanted to do this because I want to build something that encourages community, brings together diversity, and inspires creativity and collaboration! We have so many things in this world that divide us… I want to be part of something that unites!Looking at Qualtrics, they stood for the same belief… that is why this company exists! I knew I had to be a part of it as part of my adventure in life. Look at the example of the pledge drive they just ran for #5ForTheFight — it brought together the rivals and had us all uniting in a common good cause (check it out - you can still be a part of it!). It is just one example of #QualtricsLife and what it stands for.

What is your favorite part of your role?

Although it is not yet a part of my job description, the favorite part of my job is working with others to strategize and not just close their deals, but to position themselves as a trusted advisor to their clients – someone who their client can and will come to for anything, beyond what we do at Qualtrics. I like to challenge folks to think outside the box and to get creative and to step a little outside their comfort zone to grow and learn. As I continue down my path to leadership here at Qualtrics, I look forward to doing more and more of that.

In a few words can you describe your manager and/or the culture of Qualtrics?

Open, accepting of new and different ideas, innovative and people focused. Not just for our employees, but our customers as well.

You are not from Utah, why did you consider moving here?

I moved because that was part of the deal in taking the new role and opportunity, but more than that, I moved because I was ready for a new challenge and adventure. I mentioned before I enjoy working with others and helping them to step just outside their comfort zone because that is where the greatest growth and learning occurs, so how can I inspire others to do that if I do not do that myself? If I aspire to inspire, then I must take my own medicine. Plus, coming from San Francisco, I could afford like 3 houses for what I would get there, so that was sort of a no-brainer!

Any tips for someone who is considering an opportunity at Qualtrics?

If you are considering an opportunity with Qualtrics, I cannot emphasize enough that you have to come to Provo and really see what we are about. This company is unlike any other that I have worked for or with (I came from consulting, so I have worked with my fair share of tech companies back in SF and Silicon Valley). The people here legitimately love their jobs and love this company and the collaboration is not only refreshing, it is inspiring. I realize not everyone can make the move to Provo for various reasons, but I would encourage a candidate to work out what he/she can to spend as much time as possible here or in one of our other offices, because that is truly where the magic happens.

Vicki Tisdale is an Account Executive for Research Services Enterprise Sales in Qualtrics' Provo, Utah office. She holds a Bachelors of Arts in History and a second Bachelors of Arts in Theatre from the University of Southern California. She is also a co-Chair of the 2020 Women on Boards organization, which aims to increase the percentage of women on US corporate boards to 20% or greater by 2020.


Qualtrics Life

Qualtrics Life is nothing more or less than a collection of the stories, experiences, and voices of the people of Qualtrics.

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