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Free 30 Day
Full Version Trial
For customers just getting started - explore the power of the Qualtrics platform with a free 30 day full version premium trial. From customer insights to market segmentation to concept testing, you'll discover that Qualtrics is the only research and insights platform you will ever need.
See how Qualtrics can help you get the data you need to make the important decisions. Take Qualtrics for a test drive with a full version trial.
One platform. Every type of research
Personalize the experience
- Customer Satisfaction
- Relational NPS
- Transactional NPS
- Customer Feedback Surveys
- Event Feedback
R&D and product research
- Product Satisfaction & Usage
- Naming and Concept Testing
- Pricing Research
- Feature & Product Prioritization
- User Experience
Marketing and brand research
- Brand Awareness
- Brand Preference
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Health & Equity Research
- Ad & Messaging Research
Strategy and planning
- Market & Opportunity Assesment
- Segmentation & Targeting
- Market Sizing
- Internal Feedback
- Simple Polling