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Searching the Web for Reviews

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About Searching the Web for Reviews

Qualtrics can search the web for reviews of your company and pull them together into one project. You don’t even need login credentials for any of these review sites to do this!

To pull online reviews into one project, you’ll take the following steps:

  1. Upload the business locations you want to pull reviews for.
  2. Create a Reputation Management project. (This includes deciding on sites to search for reviews.)
  3. Double-check the review profiles Qualtrics found and add more as needed.

From there, you can create a dashboard with location data mapped to it.

Qtip: Reviews for each business location are pulled into Qualtrics every 24 hours.
Attention: While our algorithm is constantly improving, it is not perfect. If a review profile exists, but we didn’t find it, please complete the feedback form in the product. You can also follow the steps here to add missing review profiles.
Feedback banner that appears in Qualtrics
Qtip: This feature has a few prerequisite settings to consider before it can be enabled. Reach out to your XM Success Representative if you’re interested in getting this feature.

Step 1: Specify Your Business Locations

Qtip: If you previously created a location directory, such as for a location selector question, you don’t need to complete this step, so long as you have the fields listed below saved in your directory.

Before you start pulling reviews, Qualtrics needs to know the locations of your organization that you’d like to report on. You’ll need access to the location directory feature. If you can’t access this page, make sure a Brand Administrator has activated the Manage Location Data permission for you.

Once you can access the directory, see detailed steps on how to create and upload a file of your locations.

location directory

For each location, you must include the following fields:

  • Unique ID for each location (e.g., Store ID or Google Place ID)
    Warning: You must leave Location IDs blank to upload a new location. Upload existing location IDs to make updates to existing locations.
  • Location Name
    Attention: These should be professional, branded, customer-facing names. These should ideally match what appears in Google Maps. Do not use internal names.
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Country

The more these fields match what appears on review sites, the more likely Qualtrics is to find them. If you need to edit your locations later, see Editing Locations.

Qtip: You can include any other supported fields that you want to use in dashboards (e.g., Region, District, Google Maps URL).

Once you’ve uploaded your location directory, move onto the next step.

Step 2: Create a Reputation Management Project

  1. If you haven’t already, go to the catalog and create a Reputation Management project.
    in the catalog, the reputation management project option
  2. Select Search the web.
    Three tiles, with the last one, search the web, highlighted
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the Location directory you created in the previous step.
    in a new window, selecting a location directory
  5. Double-check to make sure the location data that appears to the right looks correct.
    Qtip: The data previewed is only a sample and does not reflect the full number of locations found. You’ll see up to 10 locations in the preview.
    Qtip: Missing fields will be marked with a warning icon. Check if there are warning icons for the fields Country, Location Name, and City. Without those fields, no information will be gathered for those locations.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the websites you’d like to pull reviews from for each of your locations.
    selecting from a list of review sources

    Qtip: Keep in mind account limits when you choose the sites to pull reviews from. Reach out to your Account Executive if you have questions about account limits. If you see a warning that you do not have enough profiles, reach out to your Account Executive.
  8. Click Done to proceed.
Attention: It may take up to a day for data to load in Qualtrics. A banner will appear to let you know you’re seeing only partial data. You can leave the page while data loads, but you’ll need to return to the page later to see when it’s done.
Banner that warns you are seeing partial data

When your data is ready, you’ll see a summary of the locations Qualtrics found.

Reputation management tab open with a table of locations fully loaded. Each one has a yelp icon to indicate that location's yelp profile

Step 3: Double-Check Locations

While our algorithm for searching the web is constantly improving, it is subject to information available online, and is not perfect. This section covers how to correct the business profiles pulled in.

Reputation management page has locations with no profiles

  1. For each review source you chose (e.g., Google, TripAdvisor), you’ll see the number of profiles missing.
  2. Click the number of missing profiles to filter the table.
    Qtip: Click See all X locations to remove the filter.
  3. Click the row of the location that’s missing profiles.
  4. Find the URLs for those review profiles and paste them beneath the matching website. Then click Add.
    Qtip: For Google, you can paste a Google Place ID instead of a URL.
  5. If there isn’t a review profile for that location on a given website, you can disable it by clicking the switch.
    Example: Here, we’ve removed Yelp for our Provo location.

Now you’re ready to build dashboards and workflows!

Exporting Locations

Spreadsheet of location data

You can export the list of locations added to Qualtrics as a CSV file. This file will include all of the location fields and links to each profile found.

If you’ve filtered your profiles (e.g., clicked to view missing profiles), only those profiles will be included in the download.

To download this file, click the export icon on the right.

Downward arrow icon in upper-right of table indicates you can download location data