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Managing a Pulse Program

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About Managing a Pulse Program

At first, the Overview tab will guide you through the creation of your pulse. But after everything’s set up, the Overview tab becomes the place where you can access all of the projects in your program, stop your program, share your program, and see response rates for your program.

Sharing the Pulse Program

You can share your pulse program with another pulse user so they can edit it, too. Sharing with another user will allow them to do the following:

  • Edit the entire program
  • Stop the program
  • Schedule the program
  • Edit schedule, content, participants, and sampling
  • Access the dashboard and all surveys

A user has to have the Pulse user permission (under Employee Experience) in order to collaborate on a pulse. If users don’t have the correct permissions before you share with them, they will not be able to access everything in the pulse.

Qtip: Only the pulse’s creator (owner) can share the pulse with other users or delete the program.
  1. Go to the Overview tab of your pulse.
    Share button in upper-right of overview tab
  2. Click Share.
  3. Search the user you want to share with. Select them.
    new window where you can search and select users
  4. Click Save.
Qtip: Use the dropdown next to a user’s name to remove them from the project. Select Remove this user.

Transferring Pulse Ownership

The pulse program creator (owner) can only be changed by Qualtrics. Please reach out to support in the Customer Hub if you need to change the ownership of a program to another administrator. Because of the work required, this request may take some time to complete.

Warning: Do not transfer individual pulse projects to a new owner using the Admin page. An entire pulse program needs to be transferred all at once, which can only be done by Qualtrics.

Customizing Program Notification Settings

You can customize notification settings for all admins and collaborators in your pulse program. Notifications go out to anyone you shared the program with in-product and over email.

  1. Go to the Overview tab.
    Customize notification settings button on overview tab
  2. Click Customize notification settings.
    Qtip: If you’ve already started your pulse, this button will say Customize notifications for all collaborators in this program.
    notifications on overview tab once a pulse is started
  3. Program or pulse project notifications include:
    new window called customize program notification settings, where there is a series of toggles

    • Program status changes (e.g., when this program starts, stops, or resumes)
    • A new pulse project ((i.e., individual survey) is created
  4. Pulse survey notifications include:
    • It’s 3 days before pulse surveys will be sent
    • Org hierarchies for the upcoming pulse survey have been created
    • A pulse survey was sent successfully
    • A pulse survey was closed and responses can be viewed on the dashboards
    • Mapping issues occur between pulse surveys and dashboards
  5. To save changes, click Save.

Stop Sending Pulses

Pulses will continue to send on the schedule you chose unless you manually stop them. You may also want to stop your pulse program if you want to change the pulse schedule or sampling settings.

Attention: The Stop button will only appear if you have no surveys actively running. Otherwise you run the risk of interrupting data collection. Check your pulse schedule to see when surveys run.
  1. Go to the Overview tab of your pulse.
    stop button on overview tab
  2. Click Stop.
  3. Read the warning. Keep in mind all unsent surveys will be deleted, and no more pulses will be sent out. You will still be able to access previously sent pulses and the dashboard.
    new window where you can confirm the selection
  4. Once you’re ready, click Stop to confirm.

What can be edited while the pulse is running

What cannot be edited until you stop the pulse

Response Rate by Survey

Response rates for each survey will appear on the Overview tab as data is collected. You’ll be able to see how many people were invited, how many people responded, and the resulting percentage of people who completed their responses (participation rate).

table with distribution by survey

Qtip: Anonymous responses do not count towards response rates. Only non-anonymous responses are included in response rates.

Managing Surveys within a Pulse

All of your surveys can be found in the Projects list of your Overview tab. Click on a survey to edit that individual survey.

projects listed to left on overview tab

For more information on editing the survey itself, see Features Available in Pulse Surveys.

For more information on editing individual surveys’ participants and messages, or exporting data from a survey, see Managing Pulse Surveys.

Qtip: Edits to one survey will not impact any other surveys. If you want to edit the questions or appearance of all of your surveys, go to Survey Template.

Managing the Pulse Dashboard

When you’re ready to report on your results, you’ll go to the Dashboards management tab. For a comprehensive guide, see Pulse Dashboards Basic Overview.