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Audio & Video Editor

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About the Audio & Video Editor

If your survey contains a video response question, you can view and edit the audio and video responses within the Audio & Video tab in Data & Analysis. From here, you can view transcripts, make clips from audio and video responses, and assemble them into highlight reels. You can also leverage AI-driven insights to identify themes in your video responses.

the audio & video tab in data & analysis

Qtip: Only recordings made via a video response question will be analyzed in this project. To upload historical audio or videos for analysis, use the Imported Video and Audio project type.

To view your audio and video responses, go to the Audio & Video section of Data & Analysis. All of your available videos will be in the Audio and video library section.

Audio & Video library tab

The audio and video library contains a data table with all of your audio and video responses. From this table, you can view different columns of metadata to analyze and summarize your responses.

Areas in the audio and video library

  1. Create filters for your data table. For more information, see Filtering Responses.
  2. Search for sentiment, topics, or transcript keywords from the responses in your dataset.
  3. Select the data that will be available in the column chooser. Only fields selected from this dropdown can be shown in the data table.
  4. View the automated summary. For more information, see Using Automated Summaries.
  5. Select which columns you’d like to view in the data table by clicking the fields in this dropdown.
  6. Select how many responses to view per page.
  7. Click a response to view the response details.

Viewing a Single Video Response

Select the response that you would like to view, then click View at the bottom of the preview window.

View button

Qtip: To edit the response details, such as the name or description, click the buttons underneath those fields.

Edit name button and edit description button

You can do the following when viewing a recording in the editor:

areas of the single video response

  1. The play button starts the audio or video recording.
  2. The restart button starts the video from the beginning.
  3. Use the progress bar to jump to different points in the recording.
  4. The transcript will appear next to the recording. See Video Transcript & Sentiment for more information.
  5. The tools dropdown provides the options to hide the transcript, view the transcript edit version history, or download the response.
    Audio and video editor options

    • Hide transcript: Hide the transcript from the interface.
    • Transcript edit version history: View the version history of edits made to the transcript. For more information, see Video Transcript & Sentiment.
    • Download response: Download the response.
  6. The highlights dropdown provides the option to hide sentiment highlighting from the transcript.
  7. The tags menu shows information about tags. Sentiments tagged automatically to phrases in the transcript are shown here, and you can create additional response tags that will be applied to the entire response.
    tags in single response

    • Sentiment: By default, all the sentiments that appear in the recording will be automatically tagged to the response.
      Qtip: Click on a sentiment tag to highlight that sentiment in the transcript.
    • Response tags: To add additional tags, click Add tags and type in the tag. You can add multiple tags by separating them with a comma. To delete a tag from this section, click the X next to the tag.
    • Recommended topics: If you’ve collected at least 5 responses, the Topic recommendations will automatically activate. Those topics will be shown in this section of the tags menu. For more information, see Video Topic Recommendations.
  8. The response details menu shows information about the response.
  9. The speed at which the video should play.
  10. The orientation of the video and transcript, either vertical or horizontal.

Filtering Responses

You can filter your audio and video recordings so that you can easily find a specific response.

  1. Click Filters.
    Filters in the AV editor
  2. Choose the field that you want to filter your library by.
    Attention: Imported audio and video projects and unmoderated user testing questions can only filter by sentiment, question, and topics.
  3. Select the options that you would like to view.
  4. Click Apply.
Qtip: You can filter based on the topics applied to your recordings, but this option will not appear until you have topics tagged. See Video Topic Recommendations for more information.

Video Transcript & Sentiment

If a recording contains sufficient talking, then a transcript will be automatically generated. This transcript contains sentiment data, allowing you to pinpoint how your respondent felt at different moments in time.

Qtip: While the Audio Video Editor uses the same sentiment model, this feature is separate from sentiment in Text iQ. Sentiment from the Audio Video Editor is not available for use in Text iQ, the data tab, or dashboard widgets.

the transcript appears to the right of the video and follows along with the video content

As you watch the recording, the transcript will bold the word that the respondent is currently saying. Click on a specific word in the transcript to interact with it:

clicking on a word in a transcript

  • Create clip: Create a clip from this response. For more information, see Creating a Video Clip.
  • Copy to clipboard: Copy the word to your clipboard.
  • Edit selected text: Change the sentiment tag for the selected word or edit the text that appears in the transcript.

Video Topic Recommendations

If you’ve collected at least 10 video responses, the Topic recommendations toggle will automatically activate. When enabled, topics will be automatically applied to your recordings. These topics are generated based on the recording’s transcript. If you’d like to remove topics, disable this option.
recommended topics

Using Automated Summaries

Qtip: If you do not see the option to use automated summaries, contact your Brand Administrator to ask to enable the Allow third party generative AI features option in organization settings.

After you’ve collected at least 5 video responses, you can analyze your responses using automated summaries powered by advanced generative AI models. AI-powered summaries help you identify common themes across your videos and provide you with an overall summary about your video content.

Attention: We recommend waiting until you have collected all expected video responses because you can only summarize responses once.

Qtip: To facilitate a secure and confidential collaboration with third-party LLM vendors, we prioritize strict privacy and security standards to safeguard our customers’ data. If you’re interested in learning more, see our dedicated security and privacy guide for AI.

While we have guardrails in place and are continually refining our products, artificial intelligence may at times generate output that is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated. Prior to using any output from Qualtrics’ AI features, you must review the output for accuracy and ensure that it is suitable for your use case. Output from Qualtrics’ AI features is not a substitute for human review or professional guidance.

  1. While in the Audio and video library section, click Summary.
    Automated summaries generated
  2. The side panel will update with your automated summaries. The Overall Summary gives you a broad overview of the content in your videos.
  3. You can narrow down your analysis by viewing videos that relate to the same theme. Use the Select theme dropdown to choose a theme. The text below this dropdown will update to give you a summary about that theme.
    areas in the automated summaries

    Qtip: There will be up to 5 themes. These themes are unique to your dataset and based on the content in your videos.
  4. The Quotes section lists specific quotes that relate to your selected theme.
  5. Click Play response underneath a quote to be brought to that quote in the video response.
    Qtip: This opens the video in the clip editor with the quote pre-selected. Use this option to quickly create clips based on quotes surfaced by automated summaries.

Creating a Video Clip

If you’ve found a moment from a recording you want to highlight or use in your dashboard, you can create a clip of it.

  1. With the single response view open, click on the word that you would like to create a clip out of.
    clicking on a word in a transcript
  2. Click Create clip.
  3. Give your clip a Name.
    Name and describe clip
  4. Enter a Description of the clip. This is for your own organization purposes.
  5. Optionally, click Edit tags to select the tags you’d like to add to the clip. By default, sentiments will automatically be tagged to the clip. You can remove a tag by clicking the X next to the tag.
    Edit tags on clip

    Qtip: To add more tags, click Add tags then enter your custom tags.
  6. Click Advanced clip tools.
    Adjust clip length
  7. Choose the Start time and End time for your recording. You can either specify an exact start and end timestamps in the associated fields, or use the blue highlight tool on the progress bar to choose the start and end times. You can fine-tune your recording’s length by using the Clip length field.
  8. Click Save clip. Your clip will process which can take up to several minutes.
  9. If you’d like to add the clip to a highlight reel, select the desired reel and clip location in the reel.
    Select reel and clip location
  10. To add the clip to the reel, click Add to reel. If you do not want to add the clip to the reel, choose Don’t add instead.

Clips are saved as the Clip response type in the library. To manage clips, click the three-dot menu.

Manage clips in audio video library

  1. View: View and edit the clip from the clip editor.
    Qtip: While you can edit the details of the clip, you cannot change the length or timestamps of the clip. If you need to change the content in your clip, you will need to create a new one.
  2. Delete: Delete the clip.
Qtip:  If you do not see the Type column, make sure it is selected by clicking the column chooser in the upper left corner.

Select columns

Languages Available for Analysis

You can analyze videos that have been recorded in a variety of languages.

Transcript, sentiment, and topic are all supported for each of the following languages:

  • English (US)
  • English (UK)
  • English (AUS)
  • Japanese
  • German
  • French
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Korean
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Thai
  • Finnish
  • Danish
  • Swedish
  • Russian
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Bahasa Malaysia

Creating a Highlight Reel

After creating clips from video responses, you can assemble your clips into highlight reels to display in a dashboard.

  1. Navigate to the Highlight reel section.
    new highlight reel
  2. Click the Highlight reel dropdown.
  3. Choose Create new highlight reel to create a new reel, or choose an existing reel if adding clips to a reel you’ve already created.
  4. Give your reel a Name.
    Select clips
  5. Choose the clip(s) to include in the reel by selecting them in the dropdown menu. You can add multiple clips to your reel. Don’t worry about adding your clips now – you can add them to your reel later.
  6. Click Create.
  7. To add clips to your reel, click Add media.
    Add media
  8. Choose the clip to add.
    Select clip and clip location
  9. Choose where you want the clip to go in your reel. You can choose:
    • Beginning of timeline: Adds the clip as the first clip in the highlight reel.
    • Middle of timeline: Adds the clip to the middle of the highlight reel.
    • End of timeline: Adds the clip as the final clip in the highlight reel.
  10. Click Add media.
  11. To change a clip’s position in the reel click the three-dot menu to the right of the clip, then select either Move up or Move down.
    manage clips options

    Qtip: Move up will be grayed-out for the first clip, and move down will be grayed-out for the last clip.
  12. To remove a clip from the reel, click the three-dot menu to the right of the clip and then Remove component.
  13. Click the play button to watch your highlight reel.
  14. If you’d like to delete the highlight reel, click the trash icon underneath the highlight reel dropdown.

Sharing a Highlight Reel

Attention: To share a highlight reel, you need the Create Public Audio & Video Links user permission enabled.

You can share your highlight reel by generating a unique web link. Your viewers do not need to have a Qualtrics account to view the highlight reel— they’ll just need the link you provide.

  1. Navigate to your highlight reel.
    Share highlight reel button
  2. Click Share.
  3. Select the duration of time you’d like the link to be available.
    Select link duration and then create link
  4. Click Create link.
  5. Click Copy link to copy it to your clipboard.
    Copy link button
  6. When finished, click Close.

Video Responses in the Data Section

This section covers how to download a recording and how to view a transcript in the Data section of Data & Analysis.

Downloading Videos

You can download a .webm version of an individual video response.

  1. In the Data tab, click the 3 dots next to the response you are interested in.clicking View Response in Data & Analysis
  2. Click View response.
  3. You will see a .webm link where your video question is in your survey. Click this link to download the file to your computer.clicking the .webm link to download the video

Viewing Transcripts

By default, the video transcript isn’t added to the data table view. However, you can add it in manually:adding the transcript in using the column chooser

  1. In the Data tab, click Column chooser.
  2. Hover over your video question.
  3. Select Video transcript.

Note that this transcript does not have sentiment. If you’d like to view the sentiment for your video, head over to the video editor.

This section covers how to generate individual links for each submitted video. You can display these links in a CX dashboard, which a dashboard viewer can click to be brought to the video editor with that video selected.
a record table widget with a column for video link

Qtip: The dashboard viewer must have access to the project’s data for this link to work.
  1. Navigate to the survey flow.
    creating a new embedded data field in the survey flow
  2. Create a new embedded data element or add a field to an existing one.
    Qtip: Make sure the embedded data element appears after your video question(s).
  3. Name the embedded data field (for example, “Video Link”).
    creating the Video Link embedded data field
  4. For the value, click Set a Value Now and enter the following:

    Qtip: You can customize this link with HTML to make it open in a new tab or to change the text that is displayed to dashboard viewers. For example, <a href="/app/video-editor/${e://Field/SurveyID}/responses/${e://Field/ResponseID}?qid=QID1" target="_blank">Click here to view the video</a>.
  5. Replace the <questionId> in the previous link with the internal question ID of your video question.
    replacing the question ID in the embedded data field

    Qtip: You can find the question ID by exporting your dataset.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Navigate to the dashboard that has your video data, or create a new one.
  8. In the Dashboard data section, make sure the embedded data field is mapped as a Text Value field type.
    mapping the video link field as a text value in a dashboard
  9. You can now display the video links by choosing it as a field in a widget (for example, in a record table widget).adding the video link to a widget