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Integrating with Chatbots via API (QSC)

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About Integrating with Chatbots via API

You can integrate your Qualtrics Social Connect account with a chatbot to automatically respond to customer mentions. If you’d like to use Social Connect’s built-in chatbot capabilities, check out flows.

Qualtrics supports out of the box chatbot integrations with Facebook, WhatsApp, and LiveChat. You can also integrate with a different chatbot not listed here by setting up a custom connection. Integrating with a chatbot allows you to further customize the customer’s experience when using your chatbot.

Qtip: If you’d like to integrate with a custom chatbot not listed on this page, please contact your XM Success Manager for more information.

General Setup

See this API support page for a list of available endpoints and this API support page for an example of a chatbot in action.

Connecting a Facebook Chatbot

  1. For sending and receiving messages with the bot, use the Facebook Messenger API. This API can be used to send automatic replies, add buttons to outgoing messages, and more.
  2. Implement a Facebook Handover Protocol.
    • When setting up your protocol, Facebook Messenger is the primary application while Qualtrics Social Connect is the secondary application.

Once you’ve integrated your Facebook chatbot with Social Connect, here’s how customer mentions will be handled:

  1. The customer will start a conversation with your Facebook chatbot. These mentions will be tracked by Social Connect, but cannot be replied to. Each message sent by the bot will have a bot icon next to it.
  2. If the customer types one of your preset handover protocols, the conversation will be handed off to an agent in your Social Connect account. The agent will then reply to the customer. Each message sent by an agent will not have a bot icon next to it.
  3. At the end of the interaction, the agent will click Hand over to bot. This will end the interaction in Social Connect to the Facebook chatbot for the customer to finish the interaction.

Connecting a LiveChat or WhatsApp Chatbot

To connect with a LiveChat or WhatsApp Chatbot, please contact your XM Success Manager.

Connecting a Custom Chatbot That Doesn’t Support Handover

Some platforms support chatbots but do not support handover, such as Twitter. While a handover protocol isn’t necessary, it helps to smoothly transition between the bot and a live agent. If you are integrating with a chatbot that doesn’t support handover, you can use an automation recipe instead.

  1. Create an automation recipe that triggers a webhook for every private message.
  2. Set up your webhook so that the bot receives the new message as a mention.
  3. If the private message from the customer doesn’t contain an “escalated to agent” tag, then you can let the bot respond using this API endpoint.
    Qtip: This API endpoint requires your application be allowlisted, so contact your XM Success Manager if you’d like to use this endpoint.
  4. To hand over the conversation to an agent in Social Connect, have the bot add the contact tag “escalated to agent” using this API endpoint.
  5. When the interaction is resolved, the agent can remove the “escalated to agent” tag from the contact. The next time the customer reaches out using the chatbot, the interaction will begin on the chatbot again, and can be handed over using the steps above.