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Calculating a Group’s Contribution to Overall Scores (Studio)

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About Individual Groups’ Contributions to Overall Scores

You can use filtered and custom math metrics to calculate what an individual group contributed to an overall score.

Example: You work for an airport. In your data, you differentiate between different types of travelers, such as those traveling for business vs. leisure. When you look at your airport’s sentiment performance, you want to know how leisure travelers contributed to your airport’s overall sentiment.

To calculate this group’s contribution to overall sentiment, you’ll need to complete 3 steps:

  1. Create a filtered metric that calculates the group sentiment for leisure travelers.
  2. Create a filtered metric to show total sentiment for leisure travelers.
  3. Create a custom math metric to show the difference between the 2 metrics above.

Step 1: Group Sentiment for Leisure Travelers

Create a filtered metric that calculates the group sentiment for leisure travelers.

a filtered metric that meets the description below

  1. Create a filtered metric.
  2. Under Based On, select Sentiment.
  3. Under Conditions, filter for leisure travelers.
    Example: You may have an attribute called Trip Purpose and set it equal to leisure.
  4. Click Advanced Options.
  5. Set Calculation Level to Group (Default).

Step 2: Total Sentiment for Leisure Travelers

Create a filtered metric that calculates the total sentiment for leisure travelers.

  1. Duplicate the filtered metric you made in the previous step.
    duplicate button

    Qtip: These metrics should have the same conditions and be based on sentiment.
  2. Click Advanced Options.
    advanced options
  3. Set Calculation Level to Total.

Step 3: Contribution of Leisure Travelers

Now it’s time to determine the contribution leisure travelers made to the overall sentiment.

Create a custom math metric that shows the difference between the Leisure Group Sentiment and Total Leisure Sentiment.

Example: The formula can vary based on how you named your metrics. However, this is how we calculated ours:

metric[Leisure Group Sentiment]-metric[Total Leisure Sentiment]

an image of the custom math metric formula given above

You can now use this metric to create widgets in your Studio dashboards.

Example: Here’s a table showing group sentiment, total sentiment, and the difference, broken. These results are further broken out by interaction type.
table as described