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Respondent Funnel in the Data Modeler (CX)

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Qtip: The data modeler and related functionality is not yet available to all customers. If you’re interested in this feature, please reach out to your XM Success Representative. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.

About Using a Respondent Funnel in the Data Modeler (CX)

By hosting respondent funnel, contact, and even survey data in the same dashboard, you can create a more insightful and comprehensive report on the performance of your Qualtrics distributions. By having both contact and distribution data in the same dashboard, you can break out delivery and response metrics by important demographics and key customer information.

To accomplish this, you’ll join the contact and respondent funnel information together.

Attention: Another key improvement of the data modeler over the data mapper is in embedded data limits. In the data mapper, you can only add 50 embedded data fields. In the data model steps covered on this page, there are no embedded data limits.
Qtip: Confused about what datasets are vs. data sources? Not sure how to tell the data mapper and modeler apart? Learn more about these and more key terms.

Step 1: Enabling Respondent Funnel Data

Before you can build the dashboard dataset described on this page, the respondent funnel needs to be enabled for your account, and the directory’s funnel data needs to be prepared.

For exact steps, see Enabling Respondent Funnels for a User. A Brand Administrator can complete these steps.

Step 2: Enabling Contact Data

To use directory data in CX Dashboards, you need to make it available as a source. See Using Contact Data as a CX Dashboard Source for detailed steps.

Qtip: The purpose of this step is to get specific contact data ready to include in your dataset. Not only will you be able to report on response rates and email delivery, but you’ll be able to split out these metrics by key contact attributes, like department, region, or any other demographic information you have saved.
Qtip: You can technically map a respondent funnel source without contact data if you only want to report on information such as distribution rates. However, if you don’t follow the steps on this page to join with contact data, you won’t be able to use contact information such as embedded data, or link distribution data to specific surveys.

Step 3: Creating the Dashboard Dataset

  1. Create a data model dataset.
    Create a new dataset page
  2. Add a source.
    Adding contact data as a source
  3. Filter for sources from Directories.
  4. Add your contact data as a source.
    Qtip: Be thoughtful about the fields you include from your contact data source. If there are sensitive fields you don’t want shown to users, consider excluding them completely from the dashboard data or adding them to a separate dataset with limited access. See Selecting Which Fields To Include from Sources.
  5.  Add your respondent funnel as a source.
    Attention: If you have access to multiple directories, make sure the directory name matches both the contacts and respondent funnel data!
  6. ​​Next to the contact source, add a join.
    Joining contact and funnel data
  7. Under Right Input, select the respondent funnel.
  8. ​​Under Join condition, select Contact ID for both the left and right sources.
  9. Create an output dataset.
    Adding an output
  10. Publish your changes.
Qtip: In this join, your left source should be the contact data, and the right source should be the respondent funnel data.
Qtip: For more information, see Joins (CX), and Creating a Data Model (CX).

Step 4: Creating Custom Funnel Metrics

Now that your data is joined, you can start building custom metrics like response rate and completion rate. For steps, see the following resources on the Respondent Funnel support page:

If you want to make edits to the fields in the data model beyond what’s covered above, check out Editing Dataset Fields.

Qtip: If you need to change the field type, you edit at the source or in the join. You cannot edit the data model’s output field types. See more details.

Step 5: Building a Dashboard

Once your data is mapped, you’re ready to start making your dashboard!

All the data you’ve mapped can appear together on regular dashboard pages. This means you’re free to start building widgets and filters as you normally would, with a mix of both contact and response funnel data available for you to work with.

Qtip: For help getting started building dashboards, see Creating Your Project and Adding a Dashboard (CX).

Mapping Survey Responses With Your Funnel Data

If you want to map survey data to your dashboard, too, then you’ll need to complete a few extra steps in the same dataset. Keep in mind that it’s optional to add survey data, and depends on your reporting needs.

Qtip: There is a limit to how many unions or joins you can create in a data model. See the linked pages for more information.
Qtip: If you’ve already published your data model, you’ll need to delete your output dataset before you start adding more joins and unions.
X in upper-right of an output block

Preparing Your Survey Data

Like with the first join we made, we need an ID we can use to link the data together. We recommend using either Contact ID or Email. In this example, we’ll focus on Contact ID.

  1. Open your survey and go to the Survey flow.
    Adding Embedded Data to the survey flow
  2. Add an embedded data field.
  3. From the list of pre-existing fields, choose ContactID.
  4. Click Apply to save your changes.
  5. Go to Data & Analysis.
    Adding columns to Data and Analysis so you can view different parts of the response data
  6. Select the Column chooser.
  7. Go to Embedded Data.
  8. Display the ContactID column.

Joining a Single Survey to Your Funnel Dashboard

If you’re going to add just one survey to your dashboard, all you need to do is create a join between this survey and your original join (where you combined contact and respondent funnel data).

  1. Edit the data model where you joined contact and respondent funnel data.
  2. Add your survey as a source to the data model.
    Creating a join between the previous join and a survey source
  3. Next to your first join, create another join.
  4. Under Right Input, select the survey.
  5. Under Join condition, select Contact ID for both the right and left sources.
  6. When you’re finished, create your output dataset.
  7. Publish your changes.

Joining Multiple Surveys

If you want to include multiple surveys in your dashboard, you should create a union of all of these surveys first. You’ll then join the union to your first join.

Example: We’ve created a union for 2 satisfaction surveys. Now we create a join between this union and the join we created earlier that combined the contact and respondent data.

a union of multiple surveys that then gets joined to the respondent funnel join

  1. Edit the data model where you joined contact and respondent funnel data.
  2. Add both surveys as sources.
  3. Create a union.
  4. Next to your first join, create another join.
  5. Under Right Input, select the union.
  6. ​​Under Join condition, select Contact ID for both the right and left sources.
  7. When you’re finished, create your output dataset.
  8. Publish your changes.