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Insights Posts & Engagement Report

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About the Insights Posts and Engagement Report

The Posts and engagement section of Insights shows you how effective the posts made by your connected profiles are.the posts and engagement section of insights

There are 5 different widgets available on this page:

  1. Posts versus engagement by time of day
  2. Profile posts
  3. Top posts
  4. Top replies
  5. Profile videos
Qtip: See Displaying Data in Insights for an overview of how to filter this report for the data you’re interested in.

Posts Versus Engagement by Time of Day

The first widget on this page is the Posts versus engagement by time of day widget. In this widget, you can view how well your posts perform at different times of the day, broken out by each day of the week.

This widget displays both incoming engagement and your own posting activity. Engagement appears in blue while posting activity appears in green.

This widget has 3 different graphs:the posts vs engagement visualizations

  1. The first graph shows you the incoming engagement and your own posting activity over the last 24 hours, broken out by each hour.
  2. The second graph shows you the incoming engagement and your own posting activity over the last week, broken out by each day of the week.
  3. The third graph is a combination of the first two graphs. It shows you your engagement and positivity activity over the past week, broken out by every hour of each day. The amount of activity is represented by the size of the circle – a larger circle means more activity. If you click on a data point, you can see how it compares against your average.
Qtip: You can use the dropdown in the top right corner to view data for different business hours. When viewing data in this view, the data shows you the volume of posts that are in or outside of your chosen business hours schedule.the dropdown for choosing a business schedule

Profile Posts

Use the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the widget to select the Profile posts widget. This widget shows you an overview of the posts made by your connected profiles.
a profile posts widget

This widget contains:

  1. A graph showing you the number of posts made by your connected profile. This graph also shows you the engagement on those posts and the number of mentions that were created that day for the tracked topic. Hover your mouse over the graph to see data for a specific day.
  2. A table showing you information about the posts your profile made. The data in this table includes:
    • Profile: The profile that created the post.
    • Published: The date and time the post was published.
    • Post: A preview of the post’s content.
    • Engagement: An overview of the post’s engagement, broken out by likes, comments, and shares.
    • Reach: The number of people who saw the post.
    • Reactions: The number of likes (or other reactions if on Facebook) received on the post.
    • Impressions: The number of unique people who saw the post. This metric is broken out to show you the number of fans who saw the post.
    • Stories: The number of stories (posts sharing your content, etc) that were created from your post. This metric is broken out to show you the number of unique contacts who created the stories.
    • Negative feedback: The total number of negative feedback your post got (such as reports).
    • Post clicks: The number of times your post was clicked on.

Top Posts

Use the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the widget to select the Top posts widget. This widget shows you an overview of the top posts in your account.
the top posts widget

This widget contains:

  1. A dropdown in the top right corner that controls the data in the widget. You can use this dropdown to switch between the following views:
    • Sorted by tracked mentions: Shows you the mentions in your account. Mentions with the most engagement will appear first in the table.
    • Sorted by potential reach: Sorts the mentions by potential reach.
  2. A table showing you information about each post. The data in this table includes:
    • Profile: The profile that created the post.
    • Published: The date and time the post was published.
    • Post: A preview of the post’s content.
    • Engagement: An overview of the post’s engagement, broken out by likes, comments, and shares.
    • Reach: The number of people who saw the post.
    • Reactions: The number of likes (or other reactions if on Facebook) received on the post.
    • Impressions: The number of unique people who saw the post. This metric is broken out to show you the number of fans who saw the post.
    • Stories: The number of stories (posts sharing your content, etc) that were created from your post. This metric is broken out to show you the number of unique contacts who created the stories.
    • Negative feedback: The total number of negative feedback your post got (such as reports).
    • Post clicks: The number of times your post was clicked on.
Qtip: This widget shows all tracked mentions for your selected topic, meaning posts made by profiles that you do not own can appear in this table. The following metrics are unavailable for posts you do now own: reach, reactions, impressions, stories, negative feedback, and posts clicks.

Top Replies

Use the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the widget to select the Top replies widget. This widget shows you an overview of the top replies to mentions in your account.
the top replies widget

This widget contains:

  1. A dropdown in the top right corner that controls the data in the widget. You can use this dropdown to switch between the following views:
    • Sorted by tracked mentions: Shows you the mentions in your account. Mentions with the most engagement will appear first in the table.
    • Sorted by potential reach: Shows the mentions by potential reach.
  2. A table showing you information about each post. The data in this table includes:
    • Profile: The profile that created the post.
    • Published: The date and time the post was published.
    • Post: A preview of the post’s content.
    • Engagement: An overview of the post’s engagement, broken out by likes, comments, and shares.
    • Reach: The number of people who saw the post.
    • Reactions: The number of likes (or other reactions if on Facebook) received on the post.
    • Impressions: The number of unique people who saw the post. This metric is broken out to show you the number of fans who saw the post.
    • Stories: The number of stories (posts sharing your content, etc) that were created from your post. This metric is broken out to show you the number of unique contacts who created the stories.
    • Negative feedback: The total number of negative feedback your post got (such as reports).
    • Post clicks: The number of times your post was clicked on.
Qtip: This widget shows all tracked mentions for your selected topic, meaning replies made by profiles that you do not own can appear in this table. The following metrics are unavailable for posts you do now own: reach, reactions, impressions, stories, negative feedback, and posts clicks.

Profile Videos

Use the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the widget to select the Profile videos widget. This widget shows you an overview of the video posts made by your profile.
the profile videos widget

The data in this widget includes:

  • Profile: The profile that posted the video.
  • Published: The day and time the video was posted.
  • Post: A preview of the post attached to the video.
  • Paid video views: The number of views from paid sponsored posts.
  • Organic video views: The number of views from people who watched the video in their feed.
  • Total video views: The total number of views the video received.
  • Total video views by autoplay: The total number of views on the video that come from the video autoplaying for users.
  • Total video views by click: The total number of views on the video that come from users clicking on the video.
  • Time watched: The total amount of time users have spent watching your video.