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Ticket Feedback Surveys

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Attention: This feature is not included in every license. Please contact your XM Success Representative or your Account Executive if you are interested in getting access to this feature.
Attention: Ticket Feedback surveys aren’t compatible with simple layout and the Qualtrics XM app.

About Ticket Feedback Surveys

When building your ticket task, including a follow-up survey allows ticket owners to provide additional information directly from the ticket. This feedback can help assess the root causes for poor CSAT and NPS scores. Once built, follow-up surveys can be reused across different ticket creation tasks.

Follow up survey in a ticket

Ticket feedback surveys are only available if you have the ticketing feature in your organization.

Qtip: Ticket feedback surveys are a more advanced version of Follow-Up details that provide more flexibility in how you receive follow-up information. Existing ticket tasks with follow-up details cannot be updated in order to use ticket feedback surveys. To use ticket feedback surveys, rebuild ticket tasks with the ticket feedback survey enabled.
Attention: Ticket feedback surveys can not be used to create a Ticket Event. To update a ticket based on data from a ticket feedback survey, use workflows to create an Update Ticket task or Web Service task.

Creating a Ticket with a Ticket Feedback Survey

Qtip: For more information on creating and working with workflows, see Workflows Basic Overview.
  1. Navigate to the Workflows tab of your project.
    Create workflow
  2. Click Create a workflow.
  3. Select Started when an event is received.
  4. Select which event will start your workflow. More information can be found on the event-based workflows support page. Usually, this will be a survey response event.
    Set up workflow
  5. If desired, click the plus sign ( + ) to add Conditions to your workflow, which determine when your workflow runs. See the linked page for more information.
  6. Click the plus sign ( + ) and select Add a task.
  7. Select Tickets.
    Ticket task
  8. Complete the Priority, Ticket Name, and Owner fields. If desired, select a Ticket Group. For more information on setting up a ticket task, visit the Tickets Task support page.
    Fill out ticket task information
  9. If desired, set up the Ticket Summary or Ticket Data information.
  10. Select the checkbox next to Use Qualtrics survey editor to create follow-up questions.
    Follow up details information in ticket task

    Qtip: If you would rather create follow-up questions directly in the ticket task, leave this box unchecked and select Add question. Once you add questions to the task, you cannot add a ticket feedback survey in the future. For more information, see Tickets Task.
    Add question button
  11. Select an existing survey from the dropdown, or create a new one . To remove a selected survey, click the minus sign ( ) to the right of the dropdown.
    Qtip: Surveys must have the “Ticket Feedback” project type and be published in order to be included in the dropdown.
  12. To make the follow-up survey not required, select the checkbox next to Allow user to close a ticket without completing Follow-Up Details
  13. Add any relevant root causes for your team to select from.
    Root causes and options
  14. If you’d like your team to see the customers’ feedback, click the checkbox next to Allow users to view the full record.
  15. Click Save.

Creating a Ticket Feedback Survey

A follow-up survey works similarly to other survey projects except they have a different project type, which is Ticket Feedback. While these project types can be viewed, edited, and deleted in the projects tab, they must be created in the Ticket Task.

  1. Complete steps 1 through 10 of the Creating a Ticket with a Ticket Feedback Survey section.
  2. Select Create new.
    'Create new' button
  3. Enter a name for your ticket feedback survey.
    Enter name and then click create button
  4. Click Create.
  5. Click Edit survey.
  6. Create the follow-up survey. See Survey Basic Overview for more information, tips, and guidance.
    Qtip: Ticket feedback surveys only contain the Survey, Workflows, and Results tabs.
  7. Once completed, click Publish to publish your survey.
    Qtip: Follow-up surveys must be published in order to be available in tickets.

Using Ticket Feedback Surveys

Once your ticket task workflow has been triggered, tickets will be created and assigned to the relevant ticket owner. The ticket owner can view their tickets in the Follow-Up page.

  1. Select Tickets from the global navigation.
  2. Click on the ticket assigned to you.
  3. Complete the ticket feedback survey, which will appear on the right side of your ticket.
    Follow up survey in ticket

    Qtip: Ticket owners can respond to a follow-up survey multiple times until the ticket is set to Closed. Once closed, the follow-up survey cannot be edited without re-opening the ticket. Taking the survey multiple times will generate new survey responses, it won’t update the original response.
  4. Click Follow up to open and close the follow-up questions side pane.

Using Ticket Feedback Survey Data in the Data Modeler

Qtip: Combine your survey and ticket data using CX Dashboards to report on useful information and create compelling visualizations. For more information, see Combining Ticket & Survey Data in Dashboards (CX).

In order to use the ticket feedback survey in the data modeler, the following steps must be completed before the survey is distributed:

  1. Open your ticket feedback survey.
  2. Navigate to the Survey Flow.
    Embedded data in the survey flow
  3. Click Add a New Element Here.
  4. Select Embedded Data.
  5. Add the fields: ticketKey, sourceSurveyId, sourceResponseId.
    Fields in the embedded data element
  6. Click Apply.


  1. Create a Data Model.
  2. Add these data sources, in the following order:
    Add sources in data modeler then join them

    • Ticket reporting for the primary survey.
      Qtip: Ensure that the followUpSurveyId and followUpResponseId fields are mapped.
      followup fields maped in the ticket reporting fieldset
    • Primary survey.
    • Ticket feedback survey.
    Qtip: For more information on setting up a data model, see Creating a Data Model (CX).
  3. Click the plus sign ( + ) next to your first data source.
  4. Select Join.
  5. Underneath the Right dropdown, select your ticket feedback survey.
    Data modeler field mapping
  6. In the Left Column of the Join condition, select ticketResponseId.
  7. In the Right Column of the Join condition, select _recordId.
  8. Click the plus sign ( + ) to add another join condition.
  9. Underneath the Right dropdown, select the primary survey.
  10. In the Left Column of the Join condition, select followUpResponseId.
  11. In the Right Column of the Join condition, select _recordId.
  12. Click the plus sign ( + ) next to the Join element.
    Create an output dataset in the data modeler
  13. Select Output Dataset.
  14. Click Publish.
    Publish your data model
Qtip: You can use unions to combine different sets of ticket and survey data together in the data modeler before performing a join. For more information, see Unions (CX).
Qtip: For information on how to using your new dataset in CX Dashboards, see Combining Ticket & Survey Data in Dashboards (CX).

Editing a Ticket Feedback Survey

Follow-up surveys can be viewed, edited, and deleted in the projects tab. When you’re in the project list, remember that these surveys are the Ticket Feedback project type.

The ticket feedback survey project in the projects page

Alternatively, ticket feedback surveys can be edited while creating the ticket task. Click Edit survey after selecting the ticket feedback survey that you would like to update.

Edit survey button in ticket task

Exporting and Importing Ticket Feedback Surveys

Ticket feedback surveys can be exported as a QSF and imported into other accounts. Exporting to QSF is a useful tool to backup your ticket feedback survey or transfer a copy into another Qualtrics account. For more information, see Import & Export Surveys.