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Tags (QSC)

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About Tags in Social Connect

Organizing and structuring the data that is monitored and tracked in Social Connect is a crucial part of getting a better understanding of what customers are saying about your brand or company. Mentions can be categorized and organized to further enhance your workflow or to display a certain level of importance by using tags.

Tags can be applied to mentions and contacts (customers) which can be used as criteria to filter or report on. There are different tags in Social Connect, which can help you organize your Inbox.

Types of Tags

There are a variety of tags you can use in Social Connect:

  • Mention tags: Manually tag mentions or create a filter to automatically tag mentions based on criteria you set.
  • Contact tags: Manually tag contacts to display on returning customers.
  • Publisher tags: Tag the content that is being published.
  • Category tags: Categorize your tags using an XM Discover model.

Mention Tags

There are two types of mentions tags in Social Connect: manual tags and smart tags. Manual tags are manually applied by one of your account’s users. Smart tags are automatically added when a mention meets certain criteria or filters. You can see the difference between a manual tag and a smart tag by the small asterisk-sign (*) to the right of a smart tag.
the tags at the bottom of a mention

Qtip: Smart tags work retroactively, meaning that it will be applied to all existing mentions in the Inbox, both old and new.

Contact Tags

In Social Connect it is also possible to tag customers or contacts. One common use case is to categorize or label certain people with a level of importance. For example, if you are working with influencers or VIP customers, you can add a contact tag to their profile.a tag applied to a contact

Contact tags are recognizable by the small person icon to the left of the tag.

Publisher Tags

Publisher tags are mention tags that can be applied in the Publisher section of Social Connect. Use these to label the content that is scheduled to be published to social profiles. It is important to know that this type of tag is applied to the post in the publisher section, but not to the mention when it lands in the inbox.

a tag on a post in the publisher section

Category Tags for XM Discover Models

Tags for XM Discover models are referred to as Category tags. These tags are applied to mentions based on the category model set up in the topic.

Creating Tags

There are two ways to create a tag: via Account settings or directly from the Inbox via the tag drop-down menu.

It’s recommended to create tags via Account settings since this gives your larger customization ability and allows you to create smart tags.

  1. Go to Account settings.navigating to the tags section of account settings and clicking Add tag
  2. Select Tags.
  3. Click Add tag.
  4. In the window that opens, configure the following:entering tag details and adding a filter if using a smart tag
    • Tag: This name will show on the mention or contact.
    • Parent : Add a branch structure to the tag setup. See Parent and Child Tags for more information.
    • Color: This color will show when applying the tag to a mention or contact.
  5. If you want this tag to be a smart tag, enable Assign this tag to all mentions that match a filter. Selecting this field will present the option to create a filter for this tag. See Filtering in Social Connect for more information about building filters.
  6. Click Add to save the tag.

The second method of creating a new tag is via the drop-down menu directly from a mention in the inbox. This method is only recommended for simple tags since you cannot choose the tag’s color or any parent tags. You also cannot create a smart tag using this method.

  1. Click the tag icon on the mention.
    clicking the tag icon on a mention to add a new tag
  2. Type the name of the tag you want to add.
  3. Click Add [tag name] or press Enter on your keyboard.

Importing Tags

You can import tags via a CSV file. When importing tags, your import needs to contain the following column headers:

  • Label: Set the name of the tag you are creating.
  • Color: Give your tags a color to easily recognise them when viewing your mentions.
  • Parent: The name of the tag’s parent tag, if it exists.
Qtip: All columns need to be present in the CSV file, but only the Label column is required. Your headers do not need to match exactly, but you should follow the above naming scheme for easy importing.

Below is an example of an CSV file to import 5 tags:
A CSV file for importing 5 unique tags

For the tag colors, Social Connect uses the following names (from left to right): Red, Blue, Blue2, Peach, Aqua, Aqua2, Orange, Brown, Green, Green2, Green3, Mint, Pink, Purple, Grey, Grey2.

To import your tags:

  1. Create a CSV file containing your tags using the instructions above.
  2. Click the Import tags button when on the tags overview page.clicking Import tags on the Tags page
  3. Click the paper clip icon to select the CSV file from your computer.choosing a file to upload
  4. Use the File delimiter dropdown to select the delimiter used in the file.
    Qtip: If using a CSV, your delimiter is a comma.
  5. Click Upload CSV.
  6. choosing the columns and uploading the fileSelect the column names for the listed attributes of the tags. Label is required while the other ones are optional.
    Qtip: If you contain tags in the Parent Tag column, those tags must either already exist in your account or they need to be in the CSV file before they are referenced as a parent tag.
  7. When finished, click Upload CSV.

Applying Tags

Applying mention tags to a mention

To apply a tag, click the tag icon in the engagement bar of a specific mention. A dropdown will appear with all available tags. Click on the desired tag to apply it to the mention.
the tag icon on the bottom of a mention

Applying contact tags to a profile

Go to a mention from the contact you want to add a contact tag to. At the top of the page you will find the contact sheet. Click + Add tag to contact. Similar to the mention tags, a drop down will appear where you can select the desired tag.
clicking add tag to contact

Applying Smart tags to mentions

Smart tags are tags that are automatically assigned to mentions matching the smart tag’s filter. However, it is also possible to apply these tags manually if a certain tag needs to be added to a mention that does not match the filter.

Archiving tags

Archiving tags is a great way to retire a tag without deleting it and its associated data. This tag will still show on mentions that previously had the tag applied. It will also still be filterable. However, the tag will however no longer be listed as an active tag when applying tags to mentions. To preserve your historical data, you should archive tags instead of deleting them.

You can archive tags in the Tags section of Account settings. Search for the tag you want to archive. Click the folder icon to archive the tag. Click the icon again to reactivate an archived tag.clicking the folder icon to archive a tag

Example: A marketing campaign might have specific tags created for it. After a certain point this tag will no longer be actively used. Instead of deleting it, you can archive it so that historical mentions are still tagged, but the tag can’t be applied to new mentions.

Parent and Child Tags

Parent and child tags can be used to show relationships between related tags. When creating a tag, a parent tag field will be available.

Choosing parent tags can be helpful when a lot of tags are relevant to one specific subject as filtering on the parent tag will also display the mentions that are tagged with any of the child tags. However, filtering on a child tag will only result in mentions containing that specific child tag.

Child tags are displayed below their parent tags and are indented to highlight the relationship between them.
child and parent tags in the tags list

Qtip: Every tag has a maximum allowed complexity. A warning will be shown if a tag is reaching the limit. For parent tags complexity is calculated based on the combined complexity of itself and any child tags associated with it. You may encounter the following error when creating and/or editing a tag, “Your filter is too complex, please fill in a valid filter”. In this case, you will have to make adjustments to either the parent and/or the child tag.