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Building Charts (QSC)

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About Building Charts in Qualtrics Social Connect

Qualtrics Social Connect allows you to build custom charts and tables based on the data in your topics. You can access the chart builder in 2 different ways:

  1. While on the Insights page, navigate to Chart builder.
    Chart builder button on left of insights page
  2. While building a dashboard, click Add widget.
    Add widget button at the top of the page
  3. In the window that opens, scroll down to the bottom and select one of the Chart builder options.
    New dashboards / add widget window

Use the menu on the left side of the page to navigate between different sections of the chart builder:

Create chart pane

  1. Create chart: Build charts in this section.
  2. Your chart templates: Lists all chart templates you’ve created. Click Overview to view a page with a full list of templates.
  3. Example chart templates: Example chart templates that you can use to jump start your chart creation.

Creating a Chart or Table

  1. Navigate to the Chart builder.
  2. Use the Chart and Table tabs to navigate between the different views of your chart. You can customize these views using the options below.
    Table tab is open

    Qtip: Charts include visualizations like line charts, pie charts, and bar graphs. A table displays a series of rows and columns that show various data points.
  3. Enter a Chart title so you can identify the data shown in your chart.
  4. In the Source data section, choose the Type of data to display in your chart. Your options include:
    • Mentions: Displays statistics about the number of mentions that were ingested in Social Connect.
    • Cases: Display statistics about mentions that are grouped in cases.
    • Monitored profile KPIs: Display insights data specific to monitored social profiles.
  5. Choose the Topics whose data you want to include in your chart. You can choose multiple topics.
  6. If desired, you can Filter the data that appears in your chart. You can either build a filter here, or choose a saved filter to use. See Filtering in Social Connect for more information about using filters.
  7. Choose the Date range for the data you want to include in your chart. There are a variety of preset date ranges from you to choose from, or you can select Custom Dates to pick a specific beginning and ending date and time.
  8. If creating a chart, configure your chart using the Chart options. See Customizing a Chart for more information about each option in this section.
    Chart types along the top
  9. If creating a table, configure your table using the Table options. See Customizing a Table for more information about each option in this section.
  10. If you have access to advanced chart options, you can access them by clicking Advanced options. If you do not have access to advanced options, you can click this button to learn more and get in contact with a Qualtrics Social Connect representative.
    Buttons along the bottom of the page
  11. Click Create chart to generate a preview of your chart. This preview will appear at the top of the page.
  12. When finished, click Save chart as template.

Customizing a Chart

This section covers the customization options for charts. These options are found in the Chart options section of the chart builder.

Chart options and colors

  1. Choose your Chart type. The available options include:
    • Line chart (rounded)
    • Area chart (rounded)
    • Pie chart
    • Column chart
    • Line chart
    • Area chart
    • Bar chart
  2. Choose your Horizontal axis and Vertical axis, which controls the data that appears in your chart.
    Qtip: If adding a pie chart, you won’t choose axes. Instead, you’ll choose a Value field which controls the data used for the pie slices.
  3. If desired, choose a field to use for your chart’s Segmentation. Segmentation breaks your chart out by the chosen field.
    Example: You can choose Source as your segmentation field to view mentions broken out by the source social media platform (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc).
  4. Choose your additional chart options. The options here include:
    • Stack series: If using segmentation, you can choose to stack segmented data values on top of each other, or have them appear separately.
    • Add series with total: Adds another data series to your chart that displays the total.
    • Show legend: If using segmentation, you can add a legend to your chart that shows what the different colors in your chart correspond to.
    • Show export buttons: Allows the chart to be exported.
    • Show add to dashboard button: Allows the widget to be added to dashboards and embedded in third-party applications.
    • Auto-scale the vertical axis: When enabled, your vertical axis will be automatically scaled to fit your dataset. If disabled, your vertical axis will start at 0.
    • Use a custom color set: Choose a color palette to use. You can choose from a list of presets or create your own color palette.
    • Chart Size: Select the size of your chart and if you want it to automatically scale to the viewer’s browser size.

Customizing a Table

This section covers the customization options for tables. These options are found in the Table options section of the chart builder.

Table options

  1. For each column, compute: Choose the calculations you want to include for your table’s columns. You can choose to calculate the sum, average, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum for your displayed metrics.
  2. For each row, compute: Choose the calculations you want to include for your table’s rows. You can choose to calculate the sum, average, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum for your displayed metrics
  3. Show color legend: Include a legend for the table.

Adding Charts to Dashboards

After you’ve saved a chart as a template, you can add it to a dashboard. Note that the Show add to dashboard button option must be enabled for your chart for you to add it to a dashboard.

  1. While viewing your chart in the chart builder, click the gear icon in the top-right corner.
    Gear clicked and small menu expanded in upper-right
  2. Click the Add to your dashboard button.
  3. Adjust the Widget title for the widget. By default, this will be the name of your chart template.
    New window
  4. Use the Choose dashboard dropdown to select the dashboard to add the widget to.
  5. Choose your widget’s Position. You can choose to add the widget to the Top of dashboard or to the Bottom of dashboard.
  6. Click Add.

Embedding Social Connect Charts in Third-Party Applications

You can embed your social connect charts in third-party applications. When embedding a chart, it’s important to note that any changes to your chart will not be automatically reflected on your embedded charts. After making changes to an embedded chart, you will need to generate a new embed code.

Qtip: You can’t generate a new embed code if you have unsaved edits to your chart. If you’re missing the “Share” tab or the “Create embed code” button, make sure you’ve saved your chart as a template first.
  1. While viewing your chart in the chart builder, navigate to the Share tab.
    Share tab
  2. Click Create embed code.
  3. Your newly created embed code will appear in a box. You can copy this code to embed it on your website or third-party application.
    Embed code along the top
  4. Click the X next to an embed code to delete it. You can delete old embed codes so that users do not accidentally copy the code.