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Profile Manager

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About the Profile Manager

The profile manager lets you customize features such as avatars, cover images, welcome messages, and automated replies for your different social profiles. The changes you make in the profile manager will be reflected on your various social profiles.

To open the profile manager:

  1. Click the profile icon.
    Opening account settings and then selecting profile manager from the left
  2. Select Account settings.
  3. Select Profile manager.
  4. Click the gear next to a profile to start making edits.
    The profile manager page, and all the profiles listed on it
Qtip: Only administrators can use the profile manager.

Twitter Profile

  1. In-App Profile Color: This color is only used in Social Connect. This color will be associated with this social profile when you select from the list of profiles to respond with in the inbox.
    All of the fields you fill out for Twitter

    Example: Here’s what the in-app color looks like:
    Barnaby Smith is highlighted in purple in the inbox
  2. Custom Profiles: Create individual profiles for your customer support team. See Custom Twitter Profiles.
  3. Name: Edit the name that appears in your Twitter profile.
  4. URL: Add a link to your website in your Twitter profile.
  5. Location: Change the location listed on your profile.
  6. Bio: Edit the Biography of your profile. This field is limited to 160 characters.
    Qtip: Any URL added in your bio will automatically be shortened to URLs by Twitter. This can change the total word count of your Twitter bio after you hit Save.
  7. Privacy Policy: In order to get access to the NPS®/CSAT features and Twitter Custom Profiles, Twitter requires you to share a link to your privacy policy. Add that URL here.
  8. Welcome Message: Customers will see your welcome message if they direct message your Twitter profile:
    Twitter welcome messages and quick replies

  9. Quick Replies: Quick replies are options your customers can click to get a quick, automatic response. Quick replies can be set up for your most frequently asked questions or concerns. Add up to 5 quick replies and choose their corresponding flows.
    Twitter app message with buttons below where you'd enter a message

    Example: Add a quick reply like “How do I get a refund?” to respond to the customer with information about your refund process.
    Attention: You need to create a welcome message before you can use quick replies.
  10. Attach a quick reply to every outgoing message: This setting lets you add buttons for specific quick replies to every outgoing message. That means if a representative manually responds to the customer, the customer will still see quick reply buttons.
    Example: At the end of every message, add a quick reply asking, “Was this answer helpful?” and let the customer fill out a satisfaction rating.
    Qtip: Once your representative responds to the customer, these quick responses will appear instead of the ones from step 9. If there are quick replies you want to always appear, you should add them in both places.
    Button in the Twitter messenger
  11. Save: Save your changes when you’re finished.

Example: This is what the name (ClaraLines), URL (, location (Claraland), and bio look like in a Twitter profile:

A twitter profile for a fictional airline

Quick Replies

Qtip: Quick replies are not sent when representatives send replies that contain an attachment, like a CSAT, or buttons.

In the left field, add a button name the customer will see. On the right, select the corresponding flow. To add more quick replies, click the plus sign ( + ).

Fields where you configure quick replies

Qtip: You cannot restart a flow with your Twitter profile. Instead, try adding quick replies to every outgoing reply made in Social Connect.

Twitter Custom Profiles

Custom profiles let you add a human element in private conversations. Your customer support representatives can respond from the company Twitter account, but with their own name and avatar.

Qtip: Make sure you get consent from your support team before adding their likeness to the custom Twitter profiles.
  1. Click Add custom profile.
    Button to add a custom profile
  2. Read the Twitter automation rules.
    New window with a warning asking for confirmation
  3. Select I agree to these Twitter custom profile terms and conditions.
  4. Click Confirm.
  5. Add a name.
    New window where you add profile name and avatar
  6. Click No image added to upload an avatar.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Once custom profiles are created, they’ll be listed under Custom Profiles. Click the trash icon to delete the profile.
    Now Barnaby Smith is listed with his profile picture next to the list of custom profiles

Representatives can use the profile from inside the inbox by clicking the dropdown below their message.

Barnaby Smith is highlighted in purple in the inbox

Qtip: Custom profiles only appear in Twitter app messages and do not appear on desktop. Instead, you’ll see the company avatar and name on desktop.

Facebook Profile

All the fields you can configure for Facebook

  1. In-App Profile Color: This color is only used in Social Connect. This color will be associated with this social profile when you select from the list of profiles to respond with in the inbox.
  2. Privacy Policy: In order to get access to the NPS®/CSAT features, you need to share a link to your privacy policy. Add that URL here.
  3. Greeting Text: This is the text that greets customers when they message your Facebook page.
    Greeting text in the messenger app that welcomes the customer
  4. Ice Breakers: This option lets customers start a conversation with your business using a list of frequently asked questions. You can automatically send a certain flow when the customer clicks on one of your ice breakers. You can configure up to 6 ice breakers for a Facebook profile.
    Qtip: Ice Breakers will override any Get Started buttons you’ve made or any Facebook settings that might conflict.
  5. Show Get Started Button: This option adds a Get Started button to the Facebook Messenger welcome screen. When a customer clicks the button, it’ll start a flow of your choice. This button only appears the first time a customer contacts the page or if the customer deletes the previous conversation with the page and starts a new one.
    Messenger app has a Get Started button inside
  6. Persistent Menu:  This option lets you add a menu in Messenger conversations that never disappears. This menu should contain actions that customers can enact at any point.
    At the bottom of a long message in the messenger app, there's a series of buttons: one for booking questions, one called baggage questions, and one called find destination

    Qtip: You can add up to 3 buttons to your persistent menu. The name you type on the left will appear to the Facebook user as the button name.
  7. Save: Save your changes when you’re finished.
Attention: You cannot use ice breakers, Get Started buttons, or the persistent menu with case creation rules. Auto case creation sends out a flow automatically whenever a case is created; if you combine this with one of the options listed, there’s a chance the customer could see the same options multiple times.

Instagram Profile

Instagram profile fields

  • In-App Profile Color: This color is only used in Social Connect. This color will be associated with this social profile when you select from the list of profiles to respond with in the inbox.
  • Ice Breakers: This option lets customers start a conversation with your business using a list of frequently asked questions. You can choose to automatically send a certain flow when a contact clicks on one of your ice breakers. You can select up to 4 ice breakers.
    Qtip: The name you type to the left of the flow will appear to the Instagram user.
    Qtip: Ice breakers only display the first time a customer starts a conversation with your Instagram page, or when the customer deletes the conversation with your Instagram page.
    Ice breaker buttons in the Instagram messenger
  • Save: Save your changes when you’re finished.
Qtip: Ice breakers will override any conflicting Facebook or Instagram settings you might have.
Qtip: If you set up ice breakers, you cannot use a Get Started button on the same Facebook or Instagram profile.

WhatsApp Profile

  1. In-App Profile Color: This color is only used in Social Connect. This color will be associated with this social profile when you select from the list of profiles to respond with in the inbox.
    WhatsApp fields
  2. About: Add a description that appears when a contact clicks to view your business’s WhatsApp profile.
  3. Avatar Url: Paste the URL for your avatar. WhatsApp recommends a JPG / JPEG that is 640×640 pixels with a maximum file size of 63KB.
  4. Address: Provide the address of your business. This field is required. You have a maximum of 256 characters.
  5. Description: Write a description to appear in your business’s WhatsApp profile. This field is required. You have a maximum of 256 characters.
    The last fields and a save button
  6. Email: Provide an email address customers can contact. You have a maximum of 128 characters.
  7. Vertical: Choose the industry that best matches your business. This field is required.
  8. Website: Add up to 2 URLs for websites associated with your business. You have a maximum of 256 characters each.
  9. Save: Save your changes when you’re finished.

Live Chat Profile

Qtip: See Implementing Live Chat for a full guide on using the Live Chat feature.
  1. In-App Profile Color: This color is only used in Social Connect. This color will be associated with this social profile when you select from the list of profiles to respond with in the inbox.
    In app profile color and allowlisted domains
  2. Allowlisted Domains: By default, the Live Chat plugin can be initialized from any domain. To limit these domains, type a full URL and press Enter (or return on Mac).
  3. Avatar: Customers will see this avatar when chatting with one of your agents over live chat.
    Last few fields for Live Chat setup
  4. Send Flow on Start: Choose a flow to automatically start when a user opens Live Chat.
  5. Attach a quick reply to every outgoing text message: Add quick replies to each outgoing message. You can add up to 3 quick replies. The name added in the field will appear to visitors.
  6. Save: Save your changes.
  7. Preview: Get the code needed to implement the Live Chat stream on your website.

Profile Groups

At the bottom of the profile manager, there’s a section named Profile Groups. In this section, you can group social profiles you frequently publish the same content on. Profile groups let you post the same content to multiple profiles at once with only 1 click.

You can only create 20 profile groups.

Qtip: Profile groups aren’t available to all Social Connect customers. Please reach out to your Social Connect representative if you’re interested in enabling this feature.
  1. Click Add a group.
    add group button at bottom of profile manager page
  2. Name the group. This name is only visible to the Social Connect inbox.
    New window where you can configure groups
  3. Click the plus sign ( + ) to add profiles to this group.
    Qtip: You can also add groups inside other groups.
    Qtip: You can add up to 20 items inside a group.
  4. Choose a color for the group. This will appear when representatives select a social profile in the inbox.
  5. Click Add.

Once groups are created, you can copy, edit, or delete them.

List of groups with icons to right for copying, editing, and deleting

Exporting Profile Groups

You can export all of your groups to CSV or XLSX (Excel). On each row, you’ll see:

  • An internal profile group ID
  • The profile group name
  • The individual profile
  • An internal profile ID
  • The display name of the profile