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Comment Summaries Widget (EX)

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Qtip: This page describes functionality that we intend to release starting June 20, 2024. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.
Attention: This feature is only available to users on the new simplified pricing and packaging plans for Employee Experience. If you have questions about your Qualtrics pricing and packaging plan, reach out to your account team.

About the Comment Summaries Widget

The comment summaries widget takes your team’s responses to open feedback questions and uses AI to create insightful summaries and highlight key topics. This widget is ideal for very large teams and organizations, where it can be difficult to go through thousands of individual responses. With the help of Text iQ, this widget allows you to quickly identify top themes and topics.

Gif scrolling through a comment summaries widget, from bar graphs at the top to sentence summaries for each topic

Because this widget efficiently summarizes large amounts of data, we recommend this widget for large teams, where it may not be possible to read each individual comment. Keep in mind that you will also need to have enough responses to exceed anonymity thresholds. To learn more about response limits for this widget, see Understanding the Comment Summaries Widget below.

Qtip: Once this feature is enabled, this functionality is only compatible with Engagement, Lifecycle, Pulse, and Ad Hoc Employee Research projects. For more details on each, see Types of Employee Experience Projects.


In order for dashboard editors to use this widget, a Brand Administrator must enable Allow third party generative AI features for the organization. See Organization Settings.

Once this widget has been added to a dashboard, only dashboard viewers with the Can view comment fields permission enabled can see data in this widget. To update many dashboard users’ permissions at once, see Roles.

Field Type Compatibility

Each part of this widget is only compatible with the field types listed:

  • Text question fields: Open Text
  • Demographic fields: Participant metadata (Text Set, Multi-Answer Text Set)

Setting Up Text iQ

Before you create a comment summaries widget, you need to set up Text iQ in your EX project.

  1. Go to your Engagement, Lifecycle, Pulse, or Ad Hoc Employee Research project.
    Starting Text iQ in an employee experience project
  2. Open the Data & Analysis tab.
  3. Go to Text iQ.
  4. If you haven’t already, set up Text iQ.
  5. Create topics.
    Creating Text iQ topics

    Qtip: If you’re not sure where to start, try some expert-designed topics from the Qualtrics library. We offer premade topics specifically designed for Employee Experience research!
  6. Apply your changes.
    Qtip: Wait until your text analysis is done loading to perform the next steps. You can leave the page while this happens.
  7. Follow these steps to map Text iQ data.
    Mapping data for a dashboard

    Qtip: If you have more than one source mapped to your dashboard, you need to be careful to separate your Text iQ fields, so each one is only mapped to one data source. See more details on Mapping Multiple Text iQ Sources, under “Data Mapper.”
  8. If you have enhanced anonymity enabled for the dashboard, make sure the “Topics” and “Topic Sentiment Label” fields are marked as Not sensitive for any text questions used in the the enhanced anonymity settings, setting "Topics" and "Topic Sentiment Label" to "Not sensitive"


Creating Comment Summaries

Qtip: You must configure Text iQ topics, map text iQ data, and add text question fields to the widget before it’ll display data. Demographic fields and comparisons are optional.

Widget clicked and editing menu opened to left, with text question fields and demographic fields highlighted

  1. Select Comment Summaries from the widget menu.
  2. Under Text question fields, select the text entry questions where you asked for employee feedback.
    Qtip: You can select multiple questions, so long as each question’s text fields are mapped to your dashboard. Dashboard viewers will be able to switch between which question’s comment summaries they want to see using the menu pictured below.
    Screenshot of.a question with a downward arrow next to it, implying you can choose another. this is a zoomed in version of the same menu you see in an earlier screenshot along the top of the widget
  3. Under Demographic fields, select demographic metadata you’re interested in.
    Qtip: If there are any statistically significant results, the widget will highlight the segments with the most significant differences. If there are no statistically significant results, you will not see any demographic-specific information.

Attention: By default, responses from all of your data sources are used in this widget. If you want to limit the data included, please add a widget filter for a data source.

Adding a filter to a widget to limit to dataset source. The filter is locked


Qtip: When you use a comparison, the widget will only display data from your primary data source. It will not include additional sources.

By adding comparisons to your widget, you can compare different groups’ or units’ general sentiment towards a specific topic.

You can select Comparisons to display in your widget. See how to create comparisons.

Comparisons setting in widget editor

As you add comparisons to your widget, they’ll appear with each of the topic summaries to show how the current team’s overall sentiment compares to each of the comparison groups.

Example: In the widget shown above, the sentiment of the current viewer’s team tends to be negative on Leadership, the overall company’s sentiment is positive, and the unit above’s sentiment is negative.

Widget Customization

For basic tasks like deleting, moving, and resizing widgets, see Widgets Basic Overview (EX). This page also has guidance on filtering widgets, and editing titles and descriptions.

Qtip: Comment summaries can be exported to JPG or PDF.

Understanding the Comment Summaries Widget

Each comment summaries widget starts by giving you a chart showing the top 5 most mentioned topics found in Text iQ. Then you can scroll down to see more information about each topic. Finally, it’s important to keep in mind how Enhanced Anonymity and other privacy settings affect this widget.

Qtip: While we have guardrails in place and are continually refining our products, artificial intelligence may at times generate output that is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated. Prior to using any output from Qualtrics’ AI features, you must review the output for accuracy and ensure that it is suitable for your use case. Output from Qualtrics’ AI features is not a substitute for human review or professional guidance.

Most Mentioned Topics

The Most mentioned topics will show conversation themes. You’ll see the top parent topics from your feedback, and the count of how many responses reference each topic. You’ll also see a sentiment break-out for each topic.

Breakdown bars showing sentiment distribution

Summaries for Each Topic

Under What people are saying, you’ll see a table for each of the top parent topics identified. For each topic, you’ll see the overall sentiment, followed by the viewer’s team’s sentiment. If you’ve added a comparison, they’ll be displayed here.

Qtip: If you have an anonymity comment threshold, your topic needs to have more comments than this threshold to get its own summary. You only need at least 1 topic with enough comments to generate a topic-specific summary.
Qtip: If a topic has 300 comments or more, the summary is generated on a random sampling of 300 comments.

The table will provide an AI generated series of bullet points summarizing the comments that fit this topic. You can view all of the exact comments given for this topic by clicking the link.

Tables with AI generated sentences and bullet points of main ideas

If you added demographics to your widget, you may also see information below the summaries. If there is a statistically significant result, the widget will call out how often specific demographics referenced specific topics. If there are no statistically significant results, you will not see any demographic-specific information.

The widget says here are some insights about performance and development, then says that employees with tenure of 18 months to 5 years mention performance and development 6 percent less frequently than average

Comment Summaries and Anonymity

The comment summaries widget will obey any anonymity threshold you have set, either on a dashboard or administrative level.

If a team has enough responses to exceed the anonymity threshold, but the number of their open text comments is below the anonymity threshold for any specific topic, that topic won’t be shown.

Example: If your comment threshold is 10 comments, you’ll need 10 comments for at least one of your topics before data will appear in this widget.

The widget allows you to view all comments relevant to a topic. However, you can only do this if the responses exceed the anonymity threshold.