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Conjoint & MaxDiff Segmentation

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About Segmentation

Maybe your brand is more popular with soccer moms, so it’d be most valuable to please them. Maybe you’re trying to figure out what millennials want so you can break into that market. Segmentation is a method that helps you narrow down the preferences of different “segments” of the population. Rather than conducting a conjoint analysis and using one package to suit the needs of your entire respondent pool, or conducting a maxdiff analysis and making trade-offs based on the needs of your entire respondent pool, segmentation allows you to figure out what different populations want from your products.

Preparing the Survey

Before you can use segmentation, you have to make sure that the survey of your conjoint or MaxDiff project is asking the right questions. This means you need to set up certain features before you collect data.

In the Survey tab, make sure you’ve added questions to a non-conjoint/maxdiff block. In the example below, the Demographics block has a question on age, the number of people in the respondent’s household, and more.

A survey with demographic questions

The Demographic block is located right above the conjoint block, although you can move it as desired.

Block is collapsed so you can see the fact it's above the conjoint block

Attention: You can build segments using single and multiple answer multiple choice questions. This is because they offer a finite selection of choices that can be easily analyzed. You can also use embedded data and some survey metadata, such as start date, IP address, recipient information, and more.

Once you’re finished adding questions, don’t forget to publish.

Managing Segments

Segments can be created from two places:

  • On the Overview tab, in the dropdown next to the Preview Analysis button.
    Manage Segments dropdown appears beneath blue arrow at bottom of Overview tab
  • On the Conjoint Analysis / MaxDiff Analysis section of the Reports tab, under the Total Population dropdown.
    Total Population dropdown under reports
    Total Population dropdown under reports

Click Manage Segments to create a new one or edit an old one.

Once the Manage Segments window is open, you will be able to add the conditions under which someone belongs to a segment and name these segments for convenience.

Qtip: You can create up to 12 segments in your conjoint or MaxDiff project.

Building a Simple Condition

  1. Click New Segment on the lower-left if you have created segments in the past.
    Filter window with described steps
  2. Click Insert New Condition.
  3. Choose the question or survey metadata you’d like to base a condition off of.
    Filter says if the highhest form of education is some college but no degree
  4. Determine the values from this question that set the conditions.
    Example: Let’s say you want to filter by respondents who have been to college, but not finished. In your survey, you asked for the highest degree the respondent achieved. If the question is “What is your highest level of education,” then you’d set the value to “Equal to Some college but no degree.” (See screenshot in Step 3.)
  5. Click Insert New Condition or the plus sign ( + ) to add another condition.
    Additional condition added. Save in bottom-right with green button
  6. Set your new condition.
  7. Use Any to denote that the respondent can meet either condition to qualify, or All to suggest both conditions must be met.
  8. Click Generate Report to finish.

Building Advanced Conditions

When building conditions, the “All” and “Any” options allow you to decide how the conditions you’ve created should be combined. You can also nest condition sets to create advanced logic. For more on these functions, see the linked pages below:

Applying Segments

Qtip: Every time you refresh the page, or leave and come back, the segment is removed. Use the dropdown to apply it again.


Once you’ve created segments, you can apply this in two different places in a conjoint. On the Reports tab, you can apply segments to your Conjoint Analysis Results to see how package preferences differ for this population. Click the Total Population dropdown to select another segment.

Total Population dropdown under reports

You can also apply segments to the simulator. Any segments you create will be available to those you’ve shared the simulator with, too.


On the Reports tab, you can apply segments to your MaxDiff Analysis Results to see how package preferences differ for this population. Click the Total Population dropdown to select another segment.

Select Segments from the top left dropdown