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Other Conditions

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Qtip: If you don’t have access to any of the features described on this page, reach out to your Account Executive. For more information about the differences between Digital Feedback and CustomerXM for Digital, see Digital Feedback vs. CustomerXM for Digital.

About Other Conditions

In the previous support pages, we showed how you can use intercepts to set the conditions under which your creatives appear to site visitors. In this section, you will learn about how to base intercept logic off of the action itself, Qualtrics surveys, and whether other intercepts have been displayed.

This Action

This Action is used to determine whether a creative should be shown, based on whether or not it has been shown in the past.

Qtip: To prevent repeated display at the intercept targeting-level rather than on each individual action, or for more control over the length of time repeated display should be prevented, consider using the Prevent Repeated Display option under Intercept Options.

To set a This Action condition

  1. On either the intercept targeting-level or the action set-level, add logic.
    The Add Intercept Display Logic button to the top-left of all action sets, and the Change/Add Logic button inside each and every action set
  2. Drop the first field down and select This Action.
    Condition says to show the Creative if This Action Has Not Been Taken During the Browsing Session. The last field is expanded to show the Ever option
  3. Select whether you would like to target visitors for whom the action Has Not Been Taken (they haven’t seen the creative), or those for whom the action Has Been Taken (they have seen the creative).
  4. Indicate whether the time frame for this condition is During the browsing session, or Ever.

Qualtrics Survey

If your intercept is linked to a Qualtrics Survey, then you can base logic off whether the visitor has taken the survey or not.

To set a Qualtrics survey condition

  1. On either the intercept targeting-level or the action set-level, add logic.
    The Add Intercept Display Logic button to the top-left of all action sets, and the Change/Add Logic button inside each and every action set
  2. Drop the first field down and select Qualtrics Survey.
    The condition says the creative will appear if Qualtrics Survey named Post Transaction Has Not Been Taken
  3. Select the desired survey.
  4. Select whether this logic is based on whether the survey Has Been Taken or Has Not Been Taken.
    Qtip: Survey Has Been Taken and Has Not Been Taken logic relies on the QST cookie, which will not work with vanity URLs.

Intercept Logic

Intercept logic can display your creative based on whether another intercept in your project has been displayed or not displayed in a given time frame. For example, you could choose to only target visitors who have not seen another intercept on your site in the past day.

Qtip: Prevent Repeated Display depends on first party cookies that are placed on the end user’s browser on your behalf. However, if the end user has any mechanism that clears cookies regularly (such as an internal organizational policy), then Prevent Repeated Display will not work.

To set an Intercept condition

  1. On either the intercept targeting-level or the action-level, add logic.
    The Add Intercept Display Logic button to the top-left of all action sets, and the Change/Add Logic button inside each and every action set
  2. Drop the first field down and select Intercept.
    Intercept is selected in the first field. The second Select an Intercept field is dropped down to reveal an Intercepts list
  3. Select whether you’re basing logic off any Intercept, no Intercept, or a specific Intercept you’ve created.

    Qtip: There are many different reasons to implement Intercept logic. Here are some examples:

    • You want to display the same intercepts on each page of the website but may not want to distract or show the visitor the intercept each time they navigate to a new section in your website.
    • You have different intercepts on the website tied to different surveys. The conditions for the intercepts could be the same so people could technically see both, but you don’t want them to take both surveys. To avoid that, you can add a condition that checks to make sure Intercept A hasn’t been seen in 8 days before displaying it again, or you could set a condition that checks to make sure Intercept A hasn’t been seen in 8 days before displaying Intercept B.
  4. Select whether the Intercept Has Been Seen or Has Not Been Seen.
    Qtip: Any Intercept and No Intercept only have the Has Been Seen option.
  5. Enter the value of the timeframe.
  6. Enter whether this timeframe is in Days, Hours, or Minutes.

Frustration Targeting Logic

Qtip: The options described in this section are only part of licenses that include Digital Experience Analytics. If you’re interested in this feature, please reach out to your Account Team.

You can use logic to display intercepts when visitors show common frustration behaviors on your website. This lets you connect with your customers when they most need your help, so you can better understand website issues and route them to the right teams.

Example: When visitors show a certain combination of frustration behaviors, you show them a responsive dialog asking for feedback. Or, for a more passive approach, you can make a help button appear on the side of the page.
Example: Use frustration signals to route customers to the correct teams. For example, frustrations encountered on your larger website could route the customer to support, while frustration behaviors on a sales-specific page could divert the customer to Sales. (To alert specific teams, your target survey could use workflows to generate an email or a ticket.)
  1. Make sure you have session replay enabled and set up to your liking.
    Session replay tab is open

    Qtip: Frustration targeting only works on pages where Digital Experience Analytics is active. In addition to this, a session that is not sampled cannot use frustration targeting logic. Learn more about sampling and page groups.
  2. If you’re using an individual intercept, add logic to the entire target or to an individual action set.
    Standard non-guided intercept
  3. If you’re using a guided intercept, you can click Add targeting logic.
    Guided intercept
  4. Click the first menu and hover over Frustration Signals.
    Building conditions
  5. Choose from the following:
  6. Define how many frustration signals should occur in a session before the intercept triggers. Determine if the number you choose is:
    setting a value

    • Equal to
    • Not Equal to
    • Greater Than
    • Greater Than or Equal To
    • Less Than
    • Less Than or Equal to
      Example: Trigger the intercept if there are 5 or more mouse thrashes.

Make sure you save your changes.

Qtip: You can add more conditions as needed. For more details, see Advanced Action Set Logic.