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Line & Bar Chart Widgets

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About Line and Bar Chart Widgets

Chart widgets allow you to display data in a range of customizable ways. Changing the chart metrics, setting colors, and choosing display options allows you to tailor charts to fit a wide range of situations.
Shows the line and bar chart widgets from the add widget menu screen.

  • The Line chart type displays the data points connected by a continuous line.
    Displays a line chart widget.
  • The Horizontal Bar chart type creates a bar chart that is oriented horizontally.
    Displays a horizontal bar chart widget.
  • The Vertical Bar chart type creates a simple vertical bar chart.
    Displays a vertical bar chart widget.

Types of Dashboards

This widget can be used in a few different types of dashboard. This includes:

Field Type Compatibility

These widgets are compatible with the following field types:

Only fields with the above types will be available when selecting your Axis Dimension or Data Series for a simple chart.

Qtip: If you’re using response weighting on data, the cardinality limit must be below 350.

Setting Up a Line or Bar Chart Widget

  1. When setting up your simple chart widget, at minimum, you will need to define a metric. If you decide to use a metric other than count (which does not require additional specifications), you will be required to specify a field for the metric.
    Shows the metrics dropdown highlighting the count field.

    Qtip: When selecting a metric, every metric except count will need a field specified. Only a field with the type Number Set or Multi-Answer Text Set will be available. For more on metric options and filters, see Widget Metrics.
    • Rolling Calculation: Rolling calculations are a means of applying a metric over a set of data points composed of multiple periods. The rolling calculations options are Rolling Averages and Rolling Metrics. See Rolling Calculations in Widget Metrics for more information.
    • Significance testing: Charts can help you understand whether the differences you see over time or between groups are statistically significant, and therefore worthy of driving important business decisions. See Significance Testing in Simple Charts & Simple Tables (CX) for more information.
  2. You can then add an Axis dimension, if desired. This acts as a breakout for your selected metric and appears as the additional labels that display at the bottom of your chart.
    Shows Axis configuration in widget menu.

    Qtip: You will only be able to specify your Axis dimension if your widget has only one metric on it. If you use more than one metric in your chart, the X Axis dimension will automatically display Metrics and use your selected metrics as a breakout instead.

    Shows locked X-Axis with multiple metrics fields.

  3. To add an additional breakout on top of your Axis dimension, you can select a Data Series. A data series will allow you to examine your data on an additional granular level.
    Shows the data series options at the bottom of a bar chart widget.

    Qtip: If you choose to add a data series, you will only be able to add fields with the type Text Set, Multi-Answer Text Set, Number Set, or Date. If you do not add a data series and only have a single metric and x-axis dimension added, you will have the option to Only show top/bottom N values. Check this box to specify whether you would like to show only Top or Bottom values and to specify how many of these values you would like shown.

    Shows the enable top/bottom N values button.

  4. You can add a filter to your widget for a more granular look at the data in your chart. Click Add and then decide which metrics to include or exclude.
    Add a filter.

    Qtip: See Adding Widget Filters for more details. The Filtering CX Dashboards page also contains helpful information on locking filters, basing filters on the dashboard viewer’s metadata, and more.
  5. There’s also an option to apply a filter to the dashboard page when a viewer clicks a particular data point. To enable this, select When you select a widget data point, apply its filters to the entire dashboard temporarily. If this setting is disabled, nothing will happen when viewers click on the widget.
    Qtip: Despite the name, this option does not apply a filter to the entire dashboard. Just the page.
  6. You can also use Comparisons to set lines displaying aggregate data for comparison. This provides a nice visual key of where your company’s data stands against industry leaders.
    Comparisons line on a line chart widget.

Qtip: You can add metrics until the cardinality of your widget reaches 5,000. If you exceed this limit, you will see the message “Too many results, please add a filter.” To display data in your widget, filter the widget so the cardinality of displayed fields is below 5,000. You can calculate the cardinality of your widget’s data by multiplying the total number of possible values for each field together. For example, if your widget displays two different fields, one with 300 possible values and another with 3 possible values, then your widget’s cardinality is 900.


Widget Customization


When you select count as your metric type and have both an axis and data series defined, additional options will be available for displaying your metric. Click the dropdown under Show metric as to select your option.
Shows the drop down for the count metric options.

  • Value (default): The chart will show the numeric count of each data point. The chart will display a number.
  • % of total: The chart will show the result of the calculation (numeric count/total number of responses) as a percentage.
  • % of axis breakout: The chart will show the result of the calculation (numeric count/total number of responses in the axis dimension) as a percentage.
  • % of Data Series breakout: The chart will show the result of the calculation (numeric count/total number of responses in the data series) as a percentage.

Breakout Options

When you select a field group or measure group as your dimension (axis or data series), additional breakout options will be available when you click on your dimension. the breakout options for bar and line charts

Use the Break out by dropdown to choose how you want breakouts to display:

  • Break out by field: The chart will break out the result of your selected metric by fields defined within the group.
  • Break out by value: The chart will break out the result of your selected metric by union of all field options within the group.

Display Options


The display of the axis values can be adjusted to customize the layout of the data being presented.
Shows the display configuration menu and options for the axes.

  • Show X-Axis: Displays your X Axis values.
  • Show X-Axis title: Add a title to your X axis.
  • Sort axis by: Change the order of your data by selecting a sort option from the dropdown choices. If you choose Custom, you will be able to drag and drop the axis values below into whatever order you would like. To rename your axis values, simply click on the axis value’s name under Axis labels and type whatever name you would like.
    Qtip: This option sorts your labels based on their values as they are mapped in your dashboard’s data mapper (CX|EX). Cosmetic edits to label values are not used for sorting. If the automatic sorting option does not accurately reflect your cosmetic labels, then use the “Custom” sorting option to define your desired sorting order.
  • Data colors: Change the colors of your data by clicking the colored box to the left of each axis label. If you would like all the values to be the same color, click the box to the left of Axis labels and the color will be applied to every value in your graph.
  • Show Y-axis: Displays your Y Axis values.
  • Show Y-axis title: Add a title to your Y Axis.
  • Y-axis min: Adjusts the minimum value for the Y Axis.
  • Y-axis max: Adjusts the maximum value for the Y Axis.


You can determine how much data information is displayed by adjusting the data value settings.
Shows the display configuration menu.

  • Show data values: Displays the value of the metric above each axis value.
  • Show number of responses for each data value in tooltip: Displays in the tooltip the total number of responses accounted for in each data value.
    Qtip: This setting can only show the total responses for up to 10 data values at once. After 10 data values, the tooltip will only show the number of responses for the value you are hovering over.
  • Normalize chart: display each data point in the chart as a percentage out of 100%. This is useful if your data is broken out with a data series and you would like to view the fraction of respondents that selected certain values as relative percentages instead of explicit counts.
    Qtip: Normalize chart calculates values the same way the “Metric Value / Row Total” feature does under additional Count Metric Options.


Indicate whether or not you would like to display grid lines on your chart. If you are using a line chart, you will have a separate option to enable horizontal and vertical grid lines.
Shows how to enable grid lines by selecting the button.


If you are using a Line chart, you can indicate whether or not you want to Smooth line. This creates a rounded effect to connect the data points.
Shows the line chart with smoothed lines.

If you are using a Bar chart, you can indicate whether or not you want to Stack chart. This will condense the bars in your chart into a single stacked bar. If you have your widget broken out with a data series, there will be a stacked bar for each value of the data series field. This is particularly useful if you are normalizing the widget. In this case, the length of the bar will be 100% and it will be divided into sections to match the percentages of each data point.
Shows a stacked horizontal bar chart widget.


Legends are a helpful way to show what different colors, bars, and lines correspond to which data points.

Line graph. to left, display tab is open in the editing pane. legends is expanded to show the options described

  • Show legends: Enable this option to show the legend for your chosen metric.
  • Legend location: Your legends can be located at any of the following:
    • Bottom: Show the legend along the bottom of the widget.
    • Inline labels: Show labels directly alongside bars and lines. (Shown in screenshot above.)
    • Right: Show labels to the right of the widget.
  • Legend values: Change the color of a metric, or click it to change how it is labelled on the widget.

Secondary Y-Axis

You can add a secondary y-axis to vertical bar charts and line charts. This secondary axis can be plotted as a vertical bar or a line, regardless of your original widget type. (You cannot use secondary axes with horizontal bar charts.)

  1. Add more than one metric to your widget.
    Vertical bar chart with two sets of bars, one green, one blue
  2. Go to Display.
  3. Open Legends.
    Editing secondary axis
  4. Click the metric you want to set as the secondary axis.
  5. Set Plot against to Secondary Axis (Right).
    Qtip: The secondary axis label will still appear to the left with the primary axis’s label.
  6. Under Display as, select:
    • Bar (vertical)
    • Line
Example: The widget below shows NPS (a 10 point scale) along the left, and CSAT (a 4 point scale) along the right.
Bar chart with 2 different sets of y axis scales

Significance Testing

Dashboards can help you understand whether the differences you see over time or between groups are statistically significant, and therefore worthy of driving important business decisions. With significance testing in line and bar charts, you can discover what data changes matter most.

See Significance Testing in Dashboard Widgets (CX) for more information. Although this is a CX Dashboards page, the functionality described is the same as in EX dashboards.

Historical Comparison

You can show how your data has changed over time with historical comparisons.

Example: You have data from 2019 – 2023 in our survey. You want to see how the monthly average CSAT compares across these years.

a horizontal bar chart with the editor opened to the left, configuring the historical comparison

  1. Create a horizontal bar, vertical bar, or line widget.
  2. Add a metric.
  3. Add a date field to your x-axis (vertical bar, line) or your y-axis (horizontal bar). Then click the date field to open the menu.
  4. Adjust how you group the data (day, week, year, etc.), if necessary.
  5. Select Historical comparison.
  6. Choose what time frame to compare by.
    Qtip: For most time groups, you can only compare year to year. If you group data by day, you can also compare data month to month or week to week.
  7. If you’d like to restrict the data by date, select a start and end date to filter by.
    Example: You only want to compare data for 2022 and 2023. You set the start date to Januar 1, 2022 and the end date to December 31, 2023.