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Feedback Widget (Studio)

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About the Feedback Widget

Qtip: To change dashboard widgets, a user must have an Edit Dashboard permission and a Can Edit permission for that specific dashboard. See Editing Widget Properties for information about widget permissions.
Attention: To ensure best Studio performance, there is a limit on the number of widgets that you can add to each dashboard. See Maximum Widgets per Dashboard for more information.

You can use the feedback widget to display customer feedback or interactions in a dashboard. You can have the feedback widget interact with other widgets. You can also customize the feedback widget to show the most relevant feedback.
Feedback widget
See Widgets (XM Discover) for information about editing widget properties and more.

Adding a Feedback Widget

Qtip: Click Ok at the bottom-right of each of the Properties, Visualization, and Filters tabs to apply the settings. Click Save at the top of the dashboard.

Properties Tab

You can edit widget properties in the Properties tab. See Adding a Widget for information about adding a widget.

Visualization Tab

You can define feedback presentation in the Visualization tab.

  1. Select the Visualization tab.
    Select the Visualization tab. To enter a custom report title, click Custom title.
  2. To enter a custom report title, click Custom title.
  3. Enter a custom report title into the box.
    Enter a custom report title into the box. Click Auto Title to keep the automatically generated report title.

    Qtip: Auto Title to keep the automatically generated report title.
  4. Select the date range for the report. For all available options, see Date Range Filters.
    Qtip: Set your widget to ignore the dashboard date range to ensure that the dashboard date range replaces the date range defined here.
  5. Select the level of feedback to preview from the following options:
  • Sentences: Show sentences that satisfy defined conditions to provide the most granular level of feedback.
  • Context: Display sentences that satisfy the defined conditions in the context of 2 adjacent sentences (1 sentence before and 1 after).
  • Verbatim: Show sentences in the context of an entire verbatim or textual feedback field. If a document contains only 1 verbatim, then the verbatim view is the same as the document view.
  • Document: Display sentences in the context of an entire document.
    Select the level of feedback to preview
  1. Select the Total (N=) checkbox to display document volume, the total number of documents that match report conditions, and filters in the bottom-right corner of a widget.
    For more information on document volume, see Displaying Total Volume on Widgets (Studio).
    : Deselect the Total (N=) checkbox to hide this metric.
  2. Select a feedback display style from the following options:
  • Bubble: Display feedback inside stylized chat bubbles. This style works best for short feedback like social media posts. See the Adjusting Feedback Display Style Settings section below for more information on adjusting bubble display style settings.
  • Table: Show feedback inside a table. This style works best for short to medium feedback like reviews and surveys. See the Adjusting Feedback Display Style Settings section below for more information on adjusting table display style settings.
  • Pane: Display feedback in a tri-pane view similar to the document explorer, including the clip and share feedback feature. This style works best for longer feedback like extensive surveys and conversations, including call and chat interactions. See the Adjusting Feedback Display Style Settings section below for information on adjusting pane display style settings.
    Select a feedback display style

    Qtip: Bubble and table display styles are available for the following feedback levels: sentences, context, and verbatim. The pane display style is available for verbatim and document feedback levels.

Adjusting Feedback Display Style Settings

You can adjust the feedback widget’s display settings to customize your widget’s appearance. The options available to you depend on your selected display format:


Choose how many Columns of bubbles to display in the Columns section. Select 1 or 2 columns for narrow widgets. Expand to 3 or 4 columns for wider widgets.
Choose how many Columns of bubbles to display in the Columns section.

Qtip: Use the Columns and Items Per Page options to control how close bubbles are shown together.

Enter the number of chat bubbles to show per page in the Items Per Page box.
Enter the number of chat bubbles to show per page in the Items Per Page box.

Qtip: The maximum number of items per page is 200.

In the Sort By section, click 1 of the following options, displayed from left to right, to sort feedback: Sort by Sentiment to sort feedback by sentence sentiment score, Sort by Effort Score to sort feedback by sentence effort score, or Sort by Date to sort feedback by index date.
In the Sort By section, click 1 of the following options, displayed from left to right, to sort feedback: Sort by Sentiment to sort feedback by sentence sentiment score, Sort by Effort Score to sort feedback by sentence effort score, or Sort by Date to sort feedback by index date.

Qtip: To switch between ascending and descending sorting, click the same button 1 more time.

Select which metadata and customer feedback to display below each chat bubble. Select which metadata and custom feedback to display below each chat bubble. See the Selecting Metadata to Display section information on selecting metadata to display.


Enter the number of table rows to show per page in the Items Per Page box.
Enter the number of table rows to show per page in the Items Per Page box.
In the Sort By section, click 1 of the following options, displayed from left to right, to sort feedback: Sort by Sentiment to sort feedback by sentence sentiment score, Sort by Effort Score to sort feedback by sentence effort score, or Sort by Date to sort feedback by index date.

Qtip: To switch between ascending and descending sorting, click the same button 1 more time.
To switch between ascending and descending sorting, click the same button 1 more time.

Select the metadata and customer feedback to display in up to 15 additional columns. See the Selecting Metadata to Display section information on selecting metadata to display.

Qtip: Drag the columns up or down using the move icon in the Context Display Options section to change the order of columns.
Drag the columns up or down using the move icon in the Context Display Options section to change the order of columns.


In the Sort By section, click 1 of the following options, displayed from left to right, to sort feedback: Sort by Sentiment to sort feedback by sentence sentiment score, Sort by Effort Score to sort feedback by sentence effort score, or Sort by Date to sort feedback by index date.

Qtip: Click the same button 1 more time to switch between ascending and descending sorting.
Click the same button 1 more time to switch between ascending and descending sorting.

Turn on the Results Pane toggle in the Results Pane section to show the left pane with sentences that satisfy defined conditions when feedback is displayed.
Turn this toggle off to hide the left pane.
Turn on the Results Pane toggle in the Results Pane section to show the left pane with sentences that satisfy defined conditions when feedback is displayed.

Turn the Context Pane toggle on in the Context Pane section to show metadata in the right pane with metadata when displaying feedback. Turn this toggle off to hide the right pane.
Turn the Context Pane toggle on in the Context Pane section to show metadata in the right pane with metadata when displaying feedback.

Qtip: The Context Pane pane only displays the attributes, topics, and enrichment data selected in the Context Display Options section. By default, it’s empty.

Select the metadata to display in the Context pane (if this pane is enabled). See the Selecting Metadata to Display section information on selecting metadata to display.

Selecting Metadata to Display

Qtip: Different display options are available for different combinations of feedback level and display style.
  1. Click the name of the metadata that you wish to move to the Context Display Options section from the available options listed in the card on the left:
  • Sentences, Context, Verbatim, or Document (availability will depend on the selected view). See Display Options for more information.
  • Sentiment: Show overall sentence sentiment and enable viewers to apply sentiment-based quick filters.
  • Effort: Display the sentence effort score and enable viewers to apply effort-based quick filters.
  • Source: Show the feedback source (for example, Facebook or Twitter).
  • Document Date: To display the feedback date.
  • Topics: Display related topics.
  • NLP: Show attributes automatically derived from feedback by the XM Discover Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine:
    • Words: Display specific word types mentioned in customer feedback.
    • Enrichment: Show specific types of content mentioned in customer feedback.
    • Language: Display feedback language.
  • Attributes: Display structured attributes available in customer feedback.
  • Derived Attributes: To show attributes derived from other attributes or classification models.
  • Metrics: Display standard calculations and derived metrics.
  • Scorecards: Show rubrics in the Intelligent Scoring section of the Context pane.
    Click the name of the metadata that you wish to move to the Context Display Options section from the available options listed in the card on the left

    Qtip: Click the plus ( + ) icon to display more options.
    Qtip: Unavailable metadata for the selected feedback level and display style are grayed out and crossed out.
    Unavailable metadata for the selected feedback level and display style are grayed out and crossed out.
    Qtip: Both the feedback widget pane and the ad hoc document explorer have right-hand Context panes. However, unlike document explorer, metadata does not automatically appear in the feedback widget. Be sure to add each relevant scorecard to the Context Display Options pane when editing the widget to display full results for viewers. To add the full scorecard in the Intelligent Scoring pane, select it from the Scorecards section.
    To add the full scorecard in the Intelligent Scoring pane, select it from the Scorecards section.

    To add the attribute only to the Attributes pane, select it from the Attributes section.
    To add the attribute only to the Attributes pane, select it from the Attributes section.

  1. To adjust additional settings for a selected item (optional for text attributes and topics), click the gear icon next to it.
    To adjust additional settings for a selected item (optional for text attributes and topics), click the gear icon next to it.
  2. You can adjust display option settings for Sentences, Context, Verbatim, or Document in the Settings window. See the Sentences, Context, Verbatim, or Document Display Option Settings subsection below for more information.
    You can adjust display option settings for Sentences, Context, Verbatim, or Document in the Settings window.
  3. To select which classification models to display (optional for topics in table view), click the Filter Topics icon next to Topics. Select the models from the menu.
    To select which classification models to display (optional for topics in table view), click the Filter Topics icon next to Topics.
  4. To mark attributes or topics as favorites (optional for attributes and topics in pane view), click the star icon next to them so that the star turns dark.
    To mark attributes or topics as favorites (optional for attributes and topics in pane view), click the star icon next to them so that the star turns dark.

    Qtip: Favorited items will display for dashboard viewers in the Key Info tab of the context pane even if the toggles are turned off.
    Favorited items will display for dashboard viewers in the Key Info tab of the context pane even if the toggles are turned off.
  5. To show an entire section such as Inbox or Intelligent Scoring (optional for Context Pane configuration), turn on the toggle next to the section name in the Context Display Options Turn off the toggle to hide an entire section.
    To show an entire section such as Inbox or Intelligent Scoring (optional for Context Pane configuration), turn on the toggle next to the section name in the Context Display Options section.

    Qtip: To clear an item, click the x icon.
    To clear an item, click the x icon.

Sentences, Context, Verbatim, or Document Display Option Settings

  1. Select 1 of the following options to render URLs in an attribute as images or clickable links:
  • None (default): Display attribute values as plain text.
    Select 1 option to render URLs in an attribute as images or clickable links
  • Image: Display attribute values as images. See Displaying Images in Tables for more details.
  • Link: Display attribute values as clickable links.
    Qtip: If you wish to display a URL in the feedback widget in table view, provide the URL in a case-sensitive attribute in Designer.
  1. Select a capitalization style in which to display feedback:
  • Default: Display values as they were provided.
  • lowercase: Display values using only lowercase letters.
  • UPPERCASE: Display values using only uppercase letters.
  • Sentence case: Capitalize the first letter of the first word only.
  • First Letter Of Every Word: Capitalize the first letter of every word. Letters following a hyphen or an underscore are also capitalized. For example: Wind-Powered, April_Surveys.
  1. Turn the Display Enrichment Pills & Formatting toggle on to show enrichment pills (such as sentiment and effort) and sentiment formatting. Turn this toggle off to hide these.
  2. Turn the Show Empty Attributes toggle on to show empty attributes (attributes that do not have any value associated with the current document) in the Attributes and Key Info Turn this toggle off to hide these.
  3. Click Update.

Display Options

Different display options are available for different levels of feedback and display styles.
Example: Sentiment and effort are calculated and evaluated per sentence. These aren’t aggregated per document, and aren’t available for verbatim and document feedback views.

Sentences and Context

  • Bubble feedback display style is available for sentiment, effort, source, and document date.
  • Table feedback display style is available for sentiment, effort, source, document date, topics, NLP, attributes, and derived attributes.


  • Bubble feedback display style is available for source and document date.
  • Table feedback display style is available for source, document date, topics, NLP, attributes, and derived attributes.
  • Pane feedback display style is available for topics, NLP, attributes, derived attributes, metrics, and scorecards.


Pane feedback display style is available for topics, NLP, attributes, derived attributes, metrics, and scorecards.

Filters Tab

In the Filters tab, you can further narrow down report data. See Applying Filters to a Widget for more information.

Selecting Feedback

After saving the feedback widget, you can manually select which pieces of feedback to include or exclude from the widget.

  1. Open the dashboard in Edit mode.
  2. Expand the actions menu.
    Expand the actions menu. Click Feedback Selection.
  3. Click Feedback Selection.
  4. Select the checkbox next to individual sentences, verbatims, or documents in the Select column.
    Select the checkbox next to individual sentences, verbatims, or documents in the Select column. Turn the Exclude toggle on to exclude selected feedback. Turn this toggle off to include selected feedback. Click Done to confirm feedback selection.
    Qtip: You can click Clear All to clear all selections.
  5. Turn the Exclude toggle on to exclude selected feedback. Turn this toggle off to include selected feedback.
  6. Click Done to confirm feedback selection.
    Qtip: Click Cancel to cancel feedback selection.

Quick Filtering in View Mode

Qtip: You must enable a corresponding metric in Context Display Options to use quick filtering.

Feedback widget viewers can filter feedback by sentiment, effort, or emotional intensity using quick filters.

  1. Go to the dashboard.
  2. Click the filter icon below the widget title.
    Click the filter icon below the widget title.
  3. Expand the Quick Filter menu.
    Expand the Quick Filter menu.
  4. Select 1 of the following filtering options:
  • All Feedback: Show all sentences (including records with empty verbatim).
  • Positive Sentiment: Display only sentences with a positive sentence sentiment score.
  • Negative Sentiment: Show sentences with a negative sentence sentiment score.
  • Sentiment Detected: Display all sentences except for empty verbatim stubs.
  • Easy Effort: Show only sentences where the effort score is easy or very easy.
  • Hard Effort: Display only sentences where the effort score is hard or very hard.
  • Effort Detected: Show all sentences where an effort score is detected.
  • High Emotional Intensity: Display only sentences where emotional intensity is high.
  • Medium Emotional Intensity: Show only sentences where emotional intensity is medium.
  • Low Emotional Intensity: Display only sentences where emotional intensity is low.
  • Emotional Intensity Detected: Show all sentences where emotional intensity is detected.
    Select a filtering option