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Account Settings

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Attention: The layout of Account Settings has been redesigned. To access the legacy version, click the Switch to older version banner at the top of the page.banner at top of account settings page allowing you to switch back to legacy version

About Account Settings

You can find useful settings and statistics for your Qualtrics account in your account settings. From here, you can perform basic tasks such as changing your password or changing your account language.

To access your account settings, click on the silhouette in the top-right corner of your account and select Account Settings from the dropdown.

image of the home page with the user icon in the top right hand corner highlighted. Click the user icon to open the dropdown to access account settings

User Settings

User Settings allows you to adjust a number of basic options.

User Settings tab

  • User: View information about your user account.
  • API: View and generate an API token for your account.
    Attention: If you regenerate a token, the prior token will expire and need to be rotated with the newly-generated token.
  • Change Password: Set a new password for your account.
    Qtip: If your organization uses Single Sign-On (SSO), password changes can only be made through the SSO provider.
  • Change Time Zone: Update the dates used throughout your account (timestamps for when surveys are submitted, survey availability dates, etc.).
    Qtip: If your selected time zone observes an annual Daylight Saving or Summer Time, the dates and times displayed in Qualtrics will automatically adjust for annual time changes.
  • Change Language: Update your entire account to be in this language (for new projects, the language set here will be the base language for all participant messaging, such as end of survey messages, though you can still adjust the language in your survey options). For a list of all the available languages you can change your account language to, see the XM Platform section on the Languages in Qualtrics support page. The linked page also contains information about which areas of the platform are available for partially-supported languages. Change language drop down in the account settingsWe offer 2 separate sets of languages:
    • Fully supported XM Platform languages: These languages are fully supported languages across the entire XM Platform. For a list of fully supported languages, see the column labeled XM Platform in Language Availability.
    • Partially supported languages: These languages are fully supported within CX and EX Dashboards, Following Up on Tickets, and the Qualtrics XM App. Note that they are partially supported across the wider XM Platform. The fallback language for product areas that are not fully supported will always be English (US). For a list of partially supported languages, see the column labeled CX/EX Dashboards in Language Availability

    For new projects, the language that is set as your account language will be the base language for your surveys and all participant messaging, such as End of Survey messages, though you can still adjust the default survey language in your Survey Options).

  • User Email Defaults: The default email addresses used for emailings in your account.
    • Default From Email: The default from email address used for emails sent from your account. This setting is useful to configure for features that do not allow you to specify a from address, such as email triggers, thank you messages, and 360 and Employee Engagement messages.
      Attention: If you’re using a custom domain (i.e. not a Qualtrics default domain), the domain must be properly configured for use within Qualtrics. For more information about using a custom domain, read our Using a Custom From Address page.
      Qtip: Brand Administrators can request a default from address be configured for their entire brand by contacting Qualtrics Support.
    • Default From Name: The from name that appears in your recipient’s inbox.
    • Default Reply-to Email: The email address that will receive replies to your email messages.
  • Grant Login Access: See Granting Login Access to Support.
  • Recent Logins: See an audit of recent logins to your account to ensure there is no unauthorized access. Click More to see more entries. Entries are only accessible until pushed from the list by other logins.
  • Link Account: Link your account with your legacy Qualtrics 360 and legacy Site Intercept products (if you have purchased them). Just input your 360/Site Intercept username and password.
    Warning: This option does not allow you to merge the Survey Platform accounts! If you need to combine content from Qualtrics accounts, see our User Moves page.


Attention: This tab is only available for free or trial accounts, or self-service licenses. For information about upgrading your existing license, contact your Account Executive.

The Plans tab allows you to upgrade your account to a license that includes additional users, responses and more features. Select a plan to either purchase a new plan online or to get in contact with our Sales team. Refer to the chart within this tab in order to see what features are included with which plan.
Plans tab in Account Settings


Attention: This tab is only available for users who purchased their license with a credit card through the Plans page of their free or trial account, or directly through the Qualtrics website.
The Billing tab allows you to manage your existing plan. Within this tab you can cancel your renewal, remove payment information, or update payment information.
billing tab within account settings

Refresh Account

For the most part, the Qualtrics platform saves as it goes. However, sometimes there will be a delay between an action you perform in the software and the results appearing on the webpage. Sometimes your imported responses or responses in progress take a while to show up on your Data & Analysis tab. (This often looks like a grey number in parentheses in the upper-right of the Data section.) Sometimes a project that was shared with you doesn’t show up right away.

The best way to push these changes is to refresh your account. Access this option by clicking your account settings icon and selecting Refresh Account.

the refresh account option in the account settings menu

Qtip: This option will not force large datasets to load instantly. Depending on the size of your collected data, the software will need time to load. This option is merely to help changes that are already applied in your account appear on the webpage a little sooner than they normally would.

Account Usage (Legacy)

Attention: Account Settings has been redesigned. To view Account Usage, click Switch to older version.

Account Usage shows you how many responses you’ve collected, how many surveys you’ve created, and other useful statistics. You can also use the filter to decide for what timespan you want to view this information.

Qtip: The statistics on this page may take up to 72 hours to update.
  • Total Allowed Surveys: How many surveys you’ve created, total.
  • Allowed Active Surveys: How many of these surveys have a status of active.
  • Allowed Responses: Across every single survey, how many responses you’ve collected on the Recorded Responses page, except preview data, test data, and imported responses.
    Qtip: Contact your XM Success Manager or your Account Executive for pricing on importing. Imported responses are considered separate from and will not impact the account’s response limit.
  • Allowed Outgoing Emails: Every single email you’ve sent. This includes all email types, such as reminders, invitations, general emails, and thank you emails.

Account Usage tab with Brand Admin information highlighted

If your organization has a Brand Administrator, you can find their contact information here. Your Brand Administrator can assist with questions about your license and handle requests for changes in your account permissions.

Qualtrics IDs (Legacy)

Attention: Account Settings has been redesigned. To view Qualtrics IDs, click Switch to older version.

Qualtrics IDs tab
Qualtrics IDs lists all the IDs you’ll need when using the Qualtrics v3 API to connect your surveys with external systems. Here you can find and generate your tokens for API, Adobe Analytics, and the offline app. You can also input your Marketo Extension details (if you have purchased these features).

For more on these IDs, see Finding Qualtrics IDs.

Granting Login Access to Support

When troubleshooting an issue with Qualtrics Support or another Qualtrics employee, you may want to allow them to access your account to help test something with you. This section covers how to grant that permission.

Qtip: Granting login access allows a verified member of Qualtrics Support to enter your account. You can also use this method to grant access to a specific Qualtrics employee.
Qtip: You can also grant login access from inside a support ticket in the Customer Success Hub.
  1. Go to the account settings icon.
    image of the home page with the user icon in the top right hand corner highlighted. Click the user icon to open the dropdown to access account settings
  2. Click Account Settings.
  3. Make sure you are on the User Settings tab.
    in the user settings tab, granting login access to support
  4. Navigate to Grant login access.
  5. Choose your Grant access type:
    • General access: Grant access to any member of the Qualtrics Support team.
    • Specific access: Grant access to a specific Qualtrics employee.
      Qtip: Specific access is recommended when working with your account team, while general access is recommended when working with Qualtrics Support.
  6. If granting access to a specific employee, enter their Qualtrics email address.
    Qtip: Only a valid address can be entered here.
  7. Select how long you want the rep to be able to access your account.
  8. Click Grant access.

The chosen support reps will be able to access your account until the displayed date. You can immediately remove access at any time by clicking the Revoke access button.the revoke access button