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Multiple Action Sets

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About Multiple Action Sets

Creating multiple action sets in your intercept can help you create a more dynamic web experience for your visitors. For example, maybe you want to conduct A/B testing. Maybe you have different creatives that appear under different conditions, or you want to target a particular type of visitor with your creatives. Multiple actions can help you with all these situations and more.

Creating Multiple Action Sets

Creating a New Action Set

To add an action set, click Add Another Action Set.

At the bottom of the Action Set, the Add another Action Set button

Qtip: To ensure that users don’t receive multiple intercepts within a short duration, use browsing session conditions or intercept logic.

Copying an Action Set

You can also create a duplicate of an existing action set. Click Options and select Copy Action Set.

Copying an action set in the options menu

Order of Action Set Evaluation

Sequential Order (Default)

By default, multiple action sets are evaluated in a sequential order, from first to last, and only one is ultimately carried out. If the website visitor does not qualify for any of the action sets, then no action set is carried out.

An Action Set numbered as 1. An arrow indicates that once this condition is considered, if rejected, we move to the second Action Set

Example: In the screenshot above, the Intercept would look at the day the visitor came to the website on and see if it was Saturday. If it wasn’t, it’d move onto the next Action Set and see if the URL contained leather-goods.

Randomized Order

If you’d prefer that action sets were assigned to visitors at random (i.e., for A/B testing), you’ll want to select the Randomize action set option. You can find this on the Intercepts tab in the Options section.

Randomize action sets setting in the Options section of the intercept

Combining Multiple Intercepts

Instead of creating an intercept for each creative, sometimes it’s better to put multiple action sets into one intercept instead.

Even if your creatives are for unrelated tasks, combining all of them onto one intercept ensures that these creatives don’t all pop out at your visitors at once. Remember, action sets work by checking one at a time if their conditions apply; once a condition applies, the intercepts stops looking for an action set to display.

Merging Existing Intercepts

In order to merge intercepts, you have to rebuild one intercept’s logic inside another intercept.

  1. In the Intercepts section, click on one of the two intercepts you’re merging.
    Merging intercepts; Intercepts page is shown with the Customer Intercept highlighted
  2. Click Add Another Action Set.
    At the bottom of the Action Set, the Add another Action Set button
  3. This new action set is where you should set up your other intercept again. For example, if you’re inside intercept A, add the logic, creative, and target for intercept B into Action Set 2.
    Second action set with its own fields for Creative and Target

Targeting Different Users

Within each action set you can set up different logic to target selected users. For example, you might want to target certain mobile devices or browser types used to access the webpage.

One common example of targeting is having one action set display a smaller Pop Over creative for users on mobile devices and a separate action set display a bigger Pop Over creative for users on desktops.

Action Set 1 has a bigger Creative and says IF device type is not mobile. Second action set has a smaller creative and says If device type is mobile

Alternatively, maybe you’d like to have U.S.-based users see one creative and U.K.-based users see a different creative. This can also easily be done within Multiple Action Sets.

Action set 1 says If Location Is... then lists all US states. Action 2 says if location is United Kingdom