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Crosstabs Options

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About Crosstabs Options

Crosstabs include a variety of options that allow you to filter statistics, adjust the confidence level, and share your data with others.

Qtip: For more on how to report on and analyze statistics, see the Crosstabs support page.

Importing the Latest Data

Crosstabs does not automatically refresh as new data is collected in your survey. In order to incorporate your latest findings into your calculations:

  1. Click Settings.
    White button in upper-right, has a gear on it
  2. Select Import Latest Data.
  3. Read the message and select Import Latest Data again.
    A new windows opens that says, Your dataset will be reprocessed now. Any changes will now be reflected in your results. Your dataset may be unavailable for several minutes."

Confidence Level

The confidence level adjusts the point at which you want statistical results to be marked as significant. To adjust this level, click Settings in the upper-right and select Analysis Settings.

White button in upper-right, has a gear on it

Both primary and secondary confidence levels can be adjusted, and will appear on the same tables. These confidence levels are needed to determine significance in pairwise stat tests. This includes cells such as Column Stats Tests (Answering) and Column Stats Tests (All).

Primary Confidence Level

Click the dropdown to select a different primary confidence level.

Primary confidence is highlighted

This is the confidence level at which you’d like statistical significance to be indicated with uppercase letters in pairwise stat tests.

Table with upper and lower case letters to indicate significance

This confidence level will also be used to calculate statistical significance in “Overall” stat tests. This includes cells such as Overall Stat Test of Column Averages and Overall Stat Test of Percentages.

Secondary Confidence Level

Select Enable secondary level of statistical significance (shown in table with lower-case letters). Then select a confidence level from the dropdown.

Below first, the secondary is highlighted

This is the confidence level at which you’d like statistical significance to be indicated with lowercase letters in pairwise stat tests. This is typically lower than the primary confidence level.

Lowercase letters on table are highlighted

Additional Analysis Settings

White button in upper-right, has a gear on it

In addition to confidence level, you can also use the Analysis Settings menu to adjust the following:

Screenshot of analysis settings menu with options described

  • Decimals Shown: How many decimals are displayed for each value in your crosstabs calculations.
  • Table Display:  Decide whether to enabled Separate Counts and Percentages into separate tables. This refers to count vs. percentage calculations. This choice does not affect how numbers are calculated and is a purely aesthetic/organizational choice.
    Example: Here is a table without this setting enabled:
    Table where percentages and total are mixed together
    Here is the same crosstab with this setting enabled:
    Table where percentages and totals are in separate tables
Qtip: Remember to hit Save to keep your changes!

Adding Filters

You can use this series of dropdown menus to add a filter to your crosstab. Note that you are only filtering the crosstab you’ve selected from the upper-left dropdown, not any of the others you have created.

Qtip: Crosstabs can be filtered by questionsEmbedded Data, and survey metadata.
  1. Click Add Filter.
    Filter dropdown upper-left
  2. Select a field you wish to filter by.
  3. Define what conditions of this field you want to filter by.
    Filter completed
  4. To add another condition, click the plus sign ( + ).
  5. Define your next condition using the dropdowns.
    Filter window
  6. Click Add Condition Group to add a new group and start nesting your conditions.
    Qtip: Condition Groups are similar to Condition Sets in other Qualtrics filters. You can also see the following linked pages for more information on All vs. Any and Nesting Logic.
  7. Click Save Filter if you would like to save this filter and reuse it in other crosstabs.
    Qtip: This option does not apply the filter to other crosstabs – it just saves it so you can use it if you want to.
  8. Click Apply to add the filter to the current crosstab.

Export Options

You can choose to export your crosstabs to Excel by clicking Export.

Export button on right before the confidence level one

You will then be on a window with the following options:

Export window

  • Current table: Since you can only select 1 Row at a time to display on your crosstab, this option will just export your selected Row.
  • Current crosstab with all stubs: This exports all tables from your current crosstab, including every Row you’ve added.
    Qtip: The options Current table  and Current crosstab with all stubs are the same if you have only 1 field added as a Row.
  • All crosstabs with all stubs: Regardless of the crosstab you are viewing, this option will export all the crosstabs you have created and include all their rows. This option only exports crosstabs for the survey, not across all surveys in the account.

All files are in xlsx format.

Qtip: You can find these same options by clicking the Crosstabs dropdown, highlighting your selected crosstab, and selecting Export to Excel.

Renaming, Copying, and Deleting Crosstabs

Use the Crosstabs dropdown in the upper-left to manage the crosstabs you’ve created.

Numbered list on the dropdown to show all the options

  1. Click Create New Crosstab to create a new crosstab.
  2. After highlighting your selected crosstab, click Export to Excel to export the crosstab.
  3. After highlighting your selected crosstab, click Rename to give the crosstab a new name.
  4. After highlighting your selected crosstab, click Copy to create a new crosstab that is an exact duplicate.
  5. After highlighting your selected crosstab, click Clear to remove all calculations from the crosstab. This includes recodes, all tables, and all stubs and banners.
  6. After highlighting your selected crosstab, click Delete to delete the crosstab.