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Workflow Notifications

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About Workflow Notifications

You can set up notifications for when a workflow fails. For scheduled workflows, you can also set up a notification for when the workflow succeeds.

Attention: Setting up notifications for when a workflows succeeds is only available for scheduled workflows.

Notifications are sent to your chosen stakeholders both through email and through the in-product feed. They will state the name of the workflow that failed, which task in the workflow failed, and contain a link to the Workflows Reporting page where you can view more information on the workflow’s status.

Bell icon in upper-right of account clicked. Expanded to show "Workflow failure. Task 1 Webservice in workflow "Post to Site" failed to send

Email notification has same info, but a View Reports link to take you to actions reporting at the end of it

Setting Up Workflow Notifications

You or users of your choice can be notified when any workflow fails or succeeds. You just need to set up the notifications first.

Qtip: If you’re having trouble selecting users, it could be one of the following:

  • Try adjusting the length of your search. Press Enter on your keyboard to force a new search.
  • Search by username.
  • You may not have the permission Access Organization Address Book Please reach out to your Brand Administrator to have this enabled.
  1. Navigate to the Workflows tab in your project, or the stand-alone Workflows page.
    on the workflows page, clicking the three dots next to a workflow
  2. Click the 3 dot menu next to the workflow
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Go to Notifications.
    adding a notification recipient
  5. In the search bar, type a name, part of a name, or a user group in the field. Select the result you want to use.
    Qtip: After you select the appropriate user, you will see the email address of the user who will be notified – you can use this information to confirm you’ve made the correct selection.
    Qtip: If the email address for the account is incorrect, a Brand Administrator can edit the email address of the account by following the directions on this page.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Choose the type of notifications you’d like to use. Your options include:
    Selecting notification settings, then applying changes

    • Trigger failure: Receive a notification when the workflow fails to trigger. This happens when the workflow’s event fails.
    • Task success: Receive a notification when the task of your workflow is completed. This notification option is only available for scheduled workflows.
    • Task failure: Receive a notification when the task of your workflow fails to complete.
  8. To remove a user, click the three dots and select Delete.
  9. When finished, click Save.
Qtip: If you want notifications to happen only under certain conditions, you can add a notifications feed task in the same workflow for more dynamic control.
Qtip: You can also access notification settings by clicking Settings when editing a specific workflow and then selecting Notifications.Settings tab of a workflow

Notification Deduplication

Qualtrics automatically deduplicates workflow notifications to reduce the number of notification emails you receive. Each workflow follows its own deduplication logic (meaning notifications from workflow A won’t affect notifications from workflow B, and vice versa). When your workflow meets the deduplication criteria, you won’t receive email notifications for subsequent failures. Notifications are deduplicated when they meet both of the following criteria:

  • The notifications are for the same fail reason.
  • A notification for that fail reason has been sent in the past 26 hours.
Example:  If workflow A has two failures within 26 hours for different reasons (error codes), then two failure notifications will be sent. However, if the two failures have the same error code then only one notification will be sent. Any subsequent failures for the same reason will not send notifications until it has been at least 26 hours since the last notification was sent.

Resolving Workflow Failure Notifications

This section covers common errors you may see for workflow failure notifications and how to resolve them.

Additionally, you can search your workflow in Workflows Reporting to find more information about why the workflow failed.


This error appears when your workflow’s credentials are invalid. Most workflows that integrate with third party software require credentials.

To resolve this issue, edit your workflow and either select a valid set of credentials or click Add a user account to add new credentials.


The workflow failed due to a setup error. Edit your workflow and review for any incorrect formatting.


An unexpected error occurred. Please contact Qualtrics Support.