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Return to Work Pulse 2.0 (EX)

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About the Return to Work Pulse 2.0 for EX

The Return to Work Pulse helps you quickly understand how and when your employees can confidently return to the workplace. Whether teams have been working from home, staying off site due to temporary business closures, or staying home due to health concerns, the Return to Work Pulse helps HR, Operations, IT and Leadership teams address each employee’s unique needs to make a safe and positive transition back.

This solution comes with a pre-configured survey and dashboard.

Qtip: Only existing customers with EX licenses that have access to Ad Hoc Employee Research projects have access to this version of the Return to Work Pulse 2.0 for EX. These two solutions have identical setup: the major difference is that version 1.0 has premade reports, whereas the EX version has a premade dashboard and unique EX functionality.
Qtip: Responses collected with the Return to Work Pulse 2.0 will count towards your account’s response limit.


Pre-built assessment questions and an automated point-in-time dashboard cover the following Return to Work topics: Health and safety needs, company and manager communication requirements, and readiness to re-integrate.

This solution can be used for reopening planning as well as readying the organization, teams, and managers for a variety of situations, including:

  1. Employees returning to the workplace after an extended period of work from home.
  2. Employees returning to work from extended self-quarantine or personal health and safety concerns.
  3. Employees who interface with the general public and/or direct customers who are returning onsite.

We recommend starting with the Return to Work Pulse for a simple, lightweight way to quickly inform decisions on the timing and actions needed to successfully reopen your workplace. Then, utilize additional Qualtrics XM Solutions to help with new workplace protocols, technology and facilities decisions, improving leadership agility, and designing effective employee experiences for the new realities of how we work.

Use real-time employee sentiment data to make the best plans for your organization – and your employees – as you transition back to the workplace.

Creating a Return to Work Pulse

Only existing customers with EX licenses that have access to Ad Hoc Employee Research projects have access to this version of the Return to Work Pulse 2.0 for EX. However, users without an EX license should consider the Return to Work Pulse 1.0. See the linked page for more details.

Qtip: This XM Solution is only available if your account language is set to English. However, you can upload survey translations or auto-translate using Google Translate, and upload translations for your dashboard.
  1. Select Catalog from the global menu.
    Global navigation is opened and "Catalog" is selected

    Qtip: A project can also be created from the Projects or Homepage.
  2. Under COVID-19 projects, select Return to Work Pulse 2.0.
    Image of catalog, selecting the described project, seeing a sidebar open on the right describing it, ending with a button to get started creating it

    Qtip: You can also use the search in the catalog to find this project.
  3. Click Get started.
  4. Name your project.
    Field for project name and folder. Button to create on bottom-right
  5. If desired, put it in a folder.
  6. Click Create project.
  7. Provide your company name.
    Open field for name; below, series of open fields with regions of the world listed. Button beneath that says Add Another
  8. List the geographic locations in which you operate. This can help you better understand how the work experience varies across different locations in your organization, and will appear as an option for your respondents to select.
    Qtip: These can be as general or as specific as you want (i.e., specific stores vs. regions of the world).
  9. Enter you departments / teams. This can help you better understand how the work experience varies across different departments or teams in your organization, and will appear as an option for your respondents to select.
    Series of open text fields listing department names. Below that, a button named add below. Bottom right, when you can't scroll anymore, blue next button
  10. When you’ve filled out these fields, click Finish to generate your survey.
  11. Click Preview Survey to test your survey.
    Survey builder open with a guidance sidebar to the right that takes you through key steps

    Qtip: Did your survey preview not appear? Make sure your browser doesn’t block pop-ups on Qualtrics.
  12. Click Done to resume the guided setup.
  13. Use the tabs along the top if you’d like to edit components not included in the blue button steps. For example, you can go to the Survey tab to edit the survey theme and add demographic questions, whereas you can go to the Messages tab to download a distribution history for emails you’ve sent.

Return to Work Pulse Survey Customization

If you want to see the questions in your survey or edit them, click the Survey tab. Once inside the survey builder, you can add new questions, tweak the wording on existing ones, edit the survey theme, and much more.

The survey builder of a COVID-19 project

If there’s particular functionality you’d like to add, try searching the Support Site, or use the Support Site’s menu to the left to pick a page. In this section, we’ll cover some of the fundamentals of survey editing.

Qtip: The questions included in this survey were developed by our top subject matter experts. We advise trying to keep your survey as similar to the original template as possible, and not making too many large-scale changes.

Adding and Editing Questions

Warning: It’s important to make edits to the survey before you distribute it to recipients. If possible, avoid making edits to a survey actively collecting data, or you may risk invalidating your data and changing the premade reports that come with this solution. See Testing / Editing an Active Survey.

You can add as many additional questions as you want. However, keep in mind that the shorter the survey, the more likely recipients are to fill it out.

For guides to adding and editing questions, see:

Qtip: For surveys like these, we generally advise sticking to multiple choice and text entry questions.

Deleting and Restoring Questions

Warning: If you delete a question, it’ll affect the premade dashboard and the display logic included with this solution! Be prepared to fix all the display logic in your survey, and to either make edits to the dashboard’s data and widgets, or create a new dashboard from scratch. We generally advise you not to delete any questions!

If you have sent a question to the trash, it is possible to restore it. To roll back many changes at once, see also how to revert a survey back to a previous version.

Display Logic

This solution comes with custom display logic. Display logic affects what questions respondents see, based on previous answers they provided. For example, if an employee indicates that they don’t understand what is expected in maintaining a healthy, safe environment at work, we can ask them to specify which instructions need clarification.

Question with blue widget on top that says the conditions under which the question will appear

Warning: When you remove or edit a question, it can affect display logic on another question. Be sure to double-check your survey before making these edits!

Saving and Publishing

All edits you make are saved automatically; however, they won’t necessarily be pushed to the live version of the survey. When you are finished with all of your edits and are ready to generate a link and share the survey with your recipients, remember to click Publish in the upper-right.

For more on how this works, see Survey Publishing & Versions.

Distributing a Return to Work Pulse

Qtip: These projects do not have employee hierarchies.

Survey Link Distribution

We recommend distributing a single link, because it can be one of the fastest distribution methods. While it is anonymous by default, it can be modified to associate participant information with a response, which we’ll describe later in this section.

  1. Make sure to activate your project.
    Projects page. Dropdown next to project, activate option is first
  2. Open your ad hoc employee research project.
  3. Go to the Messages tab.
    Survey link section of the messages tab
  4. The Survey Link section should open by default.
  5. Copy this link.
  6. You will be able to go back to this page and copy this link at any time.
Qtip: Respondents can respond more than once using anonymous links, unless you add an authenticator.

Associating Anonymous Link Responses with Employees

Just because you are distributing with the “anonymous link” doesn’t mean your data has to be anonymous. If you use an authenticator, you can link each response to a specific employee.

Authenticators require end-users to confirm their identity before they can take the survey. With this, you can capture employee information that is associated with their participant record within the ad hoc employee research project.

Qtip: When a survey has an authenticator, employees can only respond once.

Authenticators for Brands with SSO

If your brand has SSO, all you need to do is add an authenticator to your ad hoc employee research project’s survey flow, and make sure it’s configured for SSO.

  1. Go to the Survey tab of your ad hoc employee research project.
    Survey flow button in toolbar along left of survey builder. Yellow area in survey flow where you can choose from colorful elements - authenticator in blue
  2. Click Survey flow.
  3. Click Add a New Element Here.
  4. Select Authenticator.
  5. Follow the SSO Authenticator setup described on the Authenticators (EX) support page.
    Blue authenticators element with the fields as described
  6. Move the blocks of your survey so that they are indented (in order) under the authenticator.
  7. Click Save Flow.

Authenticators for Brands without SSO

If you are using an authenticator in a brand without SSO enabled, you’ll need to upload participants before configuring your authenticator.

  1. Prepare your participant file with all the users you anticipate may take the survey.
    Qtip: Only pay attention to the fields described in the first section of this page, and any additional employee information (metadata) that would benefit you in this research. Do not worry about hierarchy fields, such as Manager ID or Level, unless this information would benefit this research.
  2. Go to the Participants tab of your ad hoc employee research project.
    Participants tab along the top of survey
  3. Import your participants.
  4. Go back to the Survey tab.
    Survey flow button in toolbar along left of survey builder. Yellow area in survey flow where you can choose from colorful elements - authenticator in blue
  5. Click Survey Flow.
  6. Click Add a New Element Here.
  7. Select Authenticator.
  8. Select the person authentication field. See more about this set up on the Authenticators (EX) support page.
    Much smaller authenticator than the other screenshot
  9. Move the blocks of your survey so that they are indented (in order) under the authenticator.
  10. Click Save Flow.

Other Methods of Distribution

If you don’t want to use the anonymous link (with or without an authenticator), you can also upload a list of participants and send an email invitation to them.

  1. Prepare your participant file with all the users you anticipate may take the survey.
    Qtip: Only pay attention to the fields described in the first section of this page, and any additional employee information (metadata) that would benefit you in this research. Do not worry about hierarchy fields, such as Manager ID or Level, unless this information would benefit this research.
  2. Go to the Participants tab of your ad hoc employee research project.
    Participants tab along the top of survey
  3. Import your participants.
  4. Go to the Messages tab.
    Email Messages section of Messages tab. We can see an example email is all set up, with survey links and a message
  5. Select Email Messages.
  6. Follow the instructions on the Email Messages support page to send participant invites.


Premade Dashboards

Our XM Scientists have developed a special dashboard for this XM Solution. This dashboard has multiple pages of insightful information, and is ready to share as soon as you have collected data.

  1. Go to Dashboards.
    Dashboards tab of the project. Premade dashboard is listed inside
  2. The premade dashboard will be listed. Click the dashboard’s name to see inside.
  3. The dashboard will open in a new tab in your browser. Navigate amongst the pages listed to the left to view your data.
    Dashboard showing overall comfort returning to the workplace, and then splitting this metric out by team
Qtip: This dashboard will not generate charts and tables until you collect data.
Qtip: Line charts may appear as a single point until you collect multiple weeks worth of data. This is because they are displaying trends over time, and don’t have enough data to display a trend yet.

Adding Item Favorability by Location and Team to Your Dashboard

Heat map widgets provide an efficient way to quickly identify high points and low points across your organization or various demographic groups. These widgets are ideal for visualizing comparisons, such as the way your employees rated different items by location or team.

Qtip: You can compare responses across other demographics, not just location or team – however, we recommend adding the breakout we describe here to your dashboard.
  1. Go to the Dashboards tab.
    Dashboards tab of the project. Premade dashboard is listed inside
  2. Click on your premade dashboard.
  3. Go to the Settings.
    Button that says Settings and has a gear icon
  4. Make a comparison where there’s no filter. Give it a general name like “Company Overall.”
  5. Return to your dashboard.
    Adding a Comparison
  6. Add a new page where we can put the heat map, or find an existing page where you think it would fit.
    Add widget button in blue
  7. Add a heat map widget to the page.
  8. Set up your heat map.
  9. Under Breakout, select Location.
    Fields filled out as described. As you add these settings, the heat map previewed to the left shows your selections
  10. Under Comparison, select the “Company Overall” comparison we made in Step 4.
  11. Repeat Steps 5-10 to create a heat map that compares responses across the team, too – in Step 9, just select Team as the breakout instead.

A heatmap with items broken out by location, which shows statistical significance

Qtip: For more customization options related to the heat map, such as highlighting statistical significance, see the Heat Map Widget support page.

Dashboard Editing

Qtip: The pre-made dashboard was developed by our top subject matter experts. We advise trying to keep your dashboard as similar to the original template as possible, and not making too many large-scale changes.

Check out these introductory pages to get started.

Warning: Do not delete the premade dashboard! If you do, this dashboard will not be retrievable, and you will have to make a new one from scratch.
Qtip: You cannot use action planning, hierarchies, or certain hierarchy-based role restrictions in these dashboards. Everything else functions the exact same way as they do in other EX projects.

Dashboard Sharing

When you’re ready to share your dashboards, you’ll need to make sure anyone you want to share the dashboard with is added as a participant in the project. From there, you may want to create a role you can add dashboard users to. Although you cannot restrict data access by hierarchy in these roles, you can still make a role for everyone who should have editing or viewing access to the dashboard.

  1. Prepare your participant file with all the users you want to share the dashboard with.
    Qtip: Only pay attention to the fields described in the first section of this page, and any additional employee information (metadata) that would benefit you in this research. Do not worry about hierarchy fields, such as Manager ID or Level, unless this information would benefit this research.
    Qtip: If you would like to restrict data access by Team or Location, make sure you include columns with this information for each participant. Ensure that the spelling of the teams and locations match what you entered when you first set up the survey.
  2. Go to the Participants tab.
    Add participants menu expanded in the participants tab of the project
  3. Add the users you want to share the dashboard with as participants in the project.
  4. When finished adding your participants, go to the Roles section.
    Roles section. Button center for adding new roles
  5. Create a role for each level of access you want.
    Example: You may create roles for dashboard viewers vs. dashboard editors, one for each team’s managers, or one for each location’s managers’.
    Qtip: Remember, you can also make participant-specific edits to dashboard permissions – roles are just much faster if you are working with large groups of participants who should have similar access.
  6. Add participants to your role.
    Button for adding participants, center. Right, button for adding dashboards
  7. Click Add Dashboards and select the pre-made Return to Work dashboard.
    Qtip: Ignore action planning permissions – these do not affect Return to Work Pulses.
  8. Configure the role permissions. These will be the same as the Dashboard Permissions listed on this page, with a few exceptions:
    Dashboard permissions

  9. Once your roles are configured, you can send a dashboard invitation to all your dashboard users.
    Back in the Email Messages tab

If your dashboard users need guidance on exporting, filtering, and navigating the dashboard, we have a page for Dashboard Viewers.

Other Ways to View Data

The Data & Analysis tab of your project allows you to edit data, export a spreadsheet of all responses, filter your responses, and much more.

Snapshot of data and analysis page, with filters added to the top

Qtip: To preview a particular column of data, choose columns to display on Data & Analysis. You can export this data at any time.

Terms of Use: EX COVID-19 Solutions

Expiry Dates

These expiry dates only apply to customers who sign up from the “Here to Help” or “Return to Work” landing pages or via Qualtrics Surveys. Post expiration, these customers will need to export their data within 6 months or upgrade to a paid EX product.

Qtip: Existing customers will have access to the content for the life of their license with Qualtrics.
  • Return to Work Pulse: The ability to launch new projects expires 30 days after the first Return to Work Pulse project has been launched AND has received a response.
  • Remote + Onsite Work Pulse, Remote Educator Pulse, & Healthcare Workforce Pulse: The ability to launch new projects expires 90 days after the first project has been launched.

Response Limits

  • Existing Qualtrics customers have 500k free responses associated with each Return to Work Pulse (for the first 30 days), Remote + Onsite Work Pulse(for the first 30 days), Remote Educator Pulse, and Healthcare Workforce Pulse COVID-19 solution (each for the first 90 days). After the 30 / 90 day periods are reached, responses will be counted against the total number of purchases response for the license.
  • New customers who sign up from the “Here to Help” or “Return to Work” landing pages with a work email will get their own provisioned brand up to 500k responses total. This is only applicable to the Return to Work Pulse, Remote + Onsite Work Pulse, Remote Educator Pulse, and Healthcare Workforce Pulse solutions.

New customers who sign up from the “Here to Help” or “Return to Work” page with a personal email or indicate the account is for personal use will be provisioned a free account with up to 500 responses for each Return to Work Pulse, Remote + Onsite Work Pulse, Remote Educator Pulse, and Healthcare Workforce Pulse solution. This is also the case for new customers who sign up via Qualtrics Surveys.