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Statistics Table (Results)

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About Statistics Tables

Statistics Tables help you see multiple aggregate metrics for your chosen data source. This visualization evaluates all of the responses collected for your data source and displays calculated results such as mean and standard deviation.

fields listed along the left and stats (mean, variance, minimum, etc) listed along the top of the table

Customization Options

For general settings, see the Visualizations Overview support page. Read on for settings specific to the Statistics Table.

Show Recode Values

When you select Show Recode Values, the recode values will be displayed next to each answer choice.

because show recode values is selected, numbers appear to the left of the answer choices


You can customize information included in your Statistics Table. Select the checkbox next to each item you want to include.

the columns selected in the editing pane correspond to the columns on the table

  • Minimum: The lowest value collected.
  • Maximum: The highest value collected.
  • Mean: The average of all values collected.
  • Std Deviation: The standard deviation across all values collected.
  • Variance: The variance across all values collected.
  • Total Responses: The total number of responses collected that contribute to the statistics.
  • Top Box: Top box is the percentage of respondents who fit into the highest ends of the scale. You can specify how many scale points are included in this box by typing in the field.
    Example: There are three NPS® groups. Setting it as 3 would make the top box equal to 100% of respondents, since 100% of respondents answered the questions. But if you changed the top box to 1, it would only look at promoters, and the percentage would match the percentage of respondents who were promoters.
  • Bottom Box: Bottom box is the percentage of respondents who fit into the lowest ends of the scale. You can specify how many scale points are included in this box by typing in the field.
    Qtip: Top and bottom box are only options for questions with scales, such as Multiple Choice. Continuous variables, such as Sliders and Text Entry, cannot display top and bottom box.
Qtip: At this point in time, Qualtrics reporting is unable to display the median.

Transposing the Table

Sometimes, there will be multiple dimensions in your table. For example, let’s say you have a Matrix Table with statements. Or, you have a Multiple Choice satisfaction question and have applied a gender breakout to the visualization.

When this happens, the Transpose Table option appears. This lets you switch your rows (statements or breakouts) and columns (which statistics you have included).

fields are listed to the left and statistics are along the top

now transposed, fields are listed along the top and statistics are listed to the left

If you combine a two-dimensional question (for example, a Matrix Table) with a breakoutTranspose Breakouts allows you to switch the breakout with the content from the data source.

separate male and female tables, fields are listed to the left and statistics are along the top

with breakouts transposed, separate tables for each field, gender is listed to the left and statistics are along the top


The Statistics Table is only compatible with variables that can come in numeric formats.