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Common Use Cases Overview

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About Common Use Cases

This page covers common Qualtrics use cases. Often, these use cases employ multiple features to create a specific setup. Make sure you have permission to access all features associated with a use case. Contact your Brand Administrator if you need your account permissions changed.

End-to-End Survey Projects

The pages in this section walk through the end-to-end process of setting up specific survey projects for your needs.


Employee Experience

Customizing Your Survey

The pages in this section cover commonly used survey features. You can apply these setups to any existing surveys you have.

  • Displaying Messages Based on Scoring: How to display different content to survey respondents depending on how they score on your survey.
  • Building a Consent Form: How to add a consent form to your survey and direct respondents based on how they respond.
  • Assigning Randomized IDs to Respondents: How to randomly generate IDs for respondents.
  • Screen-Out Management: How to manage survey screen-outs.
  • Survey Tips & Tricks: Variety of survey tips & tricks, including how to make a submit button, making inline email questions automatically submit, allowing respondents to redo survey sections, customizing response reports, and allowing respondents to deselect answers in multiple choice questions.
  • Location Data Management: Learn how to create a source of truth for all of your locations, for use in dashboards and other projects.
  • Starting a Survey with a POST Request: Starting a survey with a POST request allows initial embedded data values to be set via the body of the request rather than as query strings in the URL, which provides a better way to pass along sensitive embedded data.
  • Migrating from Report.php Response Reports: For security reasons, we are deprecating the use of response report links that end in Report.php. This page outlines all of the known use cases of the legacy report.php response reports, and describes what you need to do to switch to a more secure option instead.

End-to-End Digital Projects

The pages in this section walk through the end-to-end process of setting up specific digital projects for your needs.

Optimizing Your Digital Project

The pages in this section cover commonly used digital project features. You can apply these setups to any existing projects you have.

XM Solutions

XM Solutions (or Guided Solutions) take you step by step through the survey creation, distribution, and reporting process, all while leveraging content created by professionals in Experience research.

To learn more and to see a list of our solutions, see our Guided Solutions overview page.

Integrating with Third Party Platforms

Learn how to manually integrate your survey with assorted third-party platforms, such as:

Qtip: You can also check out pre-built integrations on our Extensions support pages.

Analyzing Results

This section covers ways to analyze results using reporting and dashboards.

Survey Projects

Employee Experience

Customer Experience Dashboards

Qualtrics API