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Transforming Data (Connectors)

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About Transforming Data in Discover

You can transform your incoming data before it is imported into XM Discover. This is useful if you need to clean your data or modify your data’s format.

To access data transformations:

  1. When setting up the import job, click the gear icon in the Transformations column next to the data field you want to transform.
    clicking the gear icon in the transformations column when mapping data

    Qtip: If you want to update data transformations for an existing job, select Data Mapping from the jobs options menu.
    Attention: If the gear icon has a number next to it, that means there is already a transformation applied to the field. If you add a new transformation, it will replace the old one.a number next to the gear icon, indicating the field is already transformed
  2. Choose your data transformation. Visit the linked sections for more information about each transformation.
    choosing the type of data transformation to use

    • No Transformation: Do not transform the imported field.
    • Dynamic Lookup: This option is only available for lookup fields. When selected, this field will apply the latest lookup values for the field from the lookup table.
    • Replace Value from Lookup Table: Define pairs of source values and replacement values.
    • Replace Value with RegEx: Define regular expressions (regex) for pattern matching and replacement values.
    • Custom Transformation: Build your own transformation using different functions and expressions.
Attention: Transformations only apply to any new data that is imported in the future. Any historical data will not be impacted. To update historical data, retrieve data for the job.

Dynamic Lookup

This option is only available for data fields that reference a lookup table from the connected data source. You can specify a dynamic lookup expression so that the correct data is imported into XM Discover.

Example: For example, the expression DYNAMICLOOKUP(“QID15”, “10”) looks up the QID15 field in the data source and sends the tenth entry. Since this field corresponds to a survey question on a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 being Very Negative and 10 being Very Positive, this expression resolves to “Very Positive.”

Replace Value from Lookup Table

You can add lookups to any source field to have greater control over the exact values being sent to your XM Discover project. A lookup table lets you define source values to be replaced when saved in XM Discover.

Example: You can use this option to change the format of survey responses. For example, when uploading a service rating, you can switch between a numeric format (from 1 to 5) and a text format (from Very Negative to Very Positive) and vice versa.
  1. Make sure Replace Value from Lookup Table is selected as your transformation.
    choosing a lookup table and clicking export lookup
  2. Click Export Lookup to export a lookup file in .XLSX format.
    Qtip: We recommend adding lookups via a lookup file. If you’d like to add lookups manually, skip to step 8.
  3. Open your file in a spreadsheet editor and begin adding your lookup values to the file.
  4. In the match column, add the incoming values from your data connector.
    adding lookup values to a CSV file
  5. In the recoded column, add the corresponding values you want saved in XM Discover.
  6. Save your file as an XLS or XLSX file.
  7. In XM Discover, click Import Lookup and select the lookup file saved on your computer.
    importing the lookup file and editing the lookups before saving
  8. If desired, you can edit your lookups. The Source Value column contains the value from your data connector while the Transformed Value column contains the value you want saved in XM Discover.
  9. You can add additional lookup pairings by clicking the plus sign ( + ), or you can remove pairings by clicking the minus sign ( ) next to the pairing.
  10. Click Save.

Replace Value with RegEx

You can replace incoming data values using regular expressions, or regex, allowing you to clean data prior to loading it into your XM Discover project.

Attention: Custom coding features are provided as-is and require programming knowledge to implement. Qualtrics Support does not offer assistance or consultation on custom coding. You can always try asking our community of dedicated users instead. If you’d like to know more about our custom coding services, please contact your Qualtrics Account Executive.
  1. Make sure Replace Value with RegEx is selected as your transformation.
    replacing values with regex
  2. Specify the search pattern regex in the Enter regular expression for pattern matching field.
  3. Specify the replacement string regex in the Enter regular expression for replacement value field.
  4. To test the transformation, enter an example from your dataset into the Sample Source Value field and click Test. The result of the transformation is displayed in the Sample Transformed Value box.
  5. Click Save.

Custom Transformation

You can transform incoming data using your own custom expressions. Custom transformations enable many types of data manipulation, including changing date formats, joining fields, removing leading zeros, and more.

Qtip: Check out the Custom Transformation Examples section for some additional examples.
  1. Make sure Custom Transformation is selected as your data transformation.
    building a custom data transformation
  2. Build you data transformation expression. Your expression will vary depending on your incoming data and the desired output. See the Building Expressions support page for more information on how to build your expression.
  3. If you’re creating a new field, you can change the field’s Data Type. If transforming an existing field, then you cannot change the data type.
  4. To test your transformation, enter a test data valu in the Test Value field and then click Test. The result will appear next to the “Test” button.
  5. When finished building and testing your expression, click Save.

Automatically Generating Natural IDs

When you upload data to XM Discover, the documents may not contain an unique ID for you to use as the natural ID, which is an important field because it helps you identify duplicate documents. Your uploaded data must have an unique identifier to use as the natural ID. This section covers how to set a natural ID when mapping data by using custom transformations.

  1. While mapping data, click the plus sign ( + ) in the Source Mapping section to add a new custom field.
    adding a new field in the source mapping section
  2. Provide the following information for the custom field:
    • Field Name: Provide the name for the field.
    • Data Type: Select Text Attribute from the dropdown menu.
    • Attribute Name: Leave it the same as “Field Name.”
    • Attribute Display Name: If desired, enter a more user-friendly display name for the field.
    • Reportable: Enable this checkbox. This must be selected so you can use the natural ID in reporting.
  3. In the Default Source Mapping section, select the attribute you created in step 2 for the Natural ID mapping.
    clicking the transformation icon next to the natural id field
  4. Click the gear icon in the Transformations column.
  5. Select Custom Transformation.
    adding a generate function to randomly generate a natural id
  6. Search for the GENERATE_ID() function and drag it from the Functions section into the Expression box.
  7. Click Save.
    Qtip: Make sure you click Apply to save your mappings.

Now, your document will have a randomly generated ID when it is uploaded.

Setting a Specific Document Date

When you upload data to XM Discover, the documents may contain several date fields, or none at all. Your uploaded data must have a date field to use as the document date. This section covers how to set a document date when mapping data by using custom transformations.

  1. While mapping data, click the plus sign ( + ) in the Source Mapping section to add a new custom field.
    adding a new custom date field
  2. Provide the following information for the custom field:
    • Field Name: Provide the name for the field (for example, custom_date).
    • Data Type: Select Date Attribute from the dropdown menu.
    • Attribute Name: Leave it the same as “Field Name” (for example, custom_date).
    • Attribute Display Name: If desired, add a more user-friendly display name for the field.
    • Reportable: Enable this checkbox. This must be selected to document date is used in Discover reporting.
  3. In the Default Source Mapping section, select the attribute you created in step 2 for the Document Date mapping.
    choosing the custom default field for document date and clicking the transformation button
  4. Click the gear icon in the Transformations column.
  5. Select Custom Transformation.
    building a custom date transformation
  6. In the expression builder, you have several options to set a date based on your needs:
    • Use load time: To use the date when the documents are uploaded into XM Discover, drag the NOW() function from the Functions section onto the Expression box.
      using the now function
    • Use hardcoded value: To use a specific date, drag the TEXTTODATE() function from the Functions section onto the Expression box and provide the date and the date format inside the parenthesis.
      using a hardcoded date

      Qtip: In both cases, the resulting date will use the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
  7. Click Test to see the result of the transformation. If needed, adjust your expression until the test gives you the desired result.
  8. Click Save when finished.
Qtip: Make sure you click Apply to save your data mapping.

Custom Transformation Examples

This section covers some examples of how you can manipulate your data using custom transformations.

Assign a Custom Source Value

Goal: Assign a custom text value (“April Surveys”) to the “Source” attribute.

How: Apply the following transformation to the “Source” field (simply put the text value inside quotation marks):

Example:“April Surveys”

Change “Last Name,First Name” to “First Name Last Name”

Goal: Change the name format from “last name,first name” to “first name last name” and capitalize the first letter of every word.

How: Apply the following transformation to the name field:


Example: “harris,george” becomes “George Harris”

Convert a Date from UTC to CST

Goal: Convert a date field from a UTC time zone to CST.

How: Apply the following transformation to the END_DATE field:


Example: “2021-03-11 15:15:00” (London time) becomes “2021-03-11T09:15:00Z” (Chicago time).
Qtip: If the date field is specified in Unix epoch time, you need to convert it to the ISO 8601 format first.

Convert hh:mm:ss to Minutes

Goal: Convert time from the hh:mm:ss format to the number of minutes.

How: Apply the following transformation:


Example: 12:12:30 becomes 732.5.

Convert Unix Epoch Time in Seconds to ISO 8601

Goal: Convert a Unix epoch timestamp in seconds to ISO 8601 date format.

Qtip: If your date comes as a number in milliseconds (like 1588253075000), you can use it as a date field without any transformations. Just map it as a date attribute, and it will work. However, if you need to change the time zone, you need to convert it to ISO 8601 first.

How: The following transformation does two things: it turns seconds into milliseconds and then turns the milliseconds into an ISO 8601 date:


Example: 1588253075 becomes 2020-04-30T13:24:35.000Z.

Derive Value Based on Whether Something Is in an Array

Goal: Check the state name and assign a “DMV Area” value if it matches any of the listed states. Otherwise, set as “Other States.”

How: Add a custom text field called AREA and apply the following transformation:

IF(LOWER(STATE) in [“md”, “dc”, “va”], “DMV Area”, “Other States”)

Qtip: Note that by using the LOWER function we made this condition case-insensitive, so both “dc” and “DC” will count as true in this case.
Example: STATE=”MD” becomes AREA=”DMV Area”

Extract Article Name from a Page Title

Goal: Extract the name of the article after the last “|” divider in a page title.

How: Apply the following transformation to the page title field:


Example: “news|world|name of the article” becomes “name of the article”

Join First and Last Name into a Single Field

Goal: Combine FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME fields into a new FULL_NAME field and capitalize the first letter of every word.

How: Add a custom text field called FULL_NAME and apply the following transformation:


Example: FIRST_NAME=”paul” LAST_NAME=”jones” becomes FULL_NAME=”Paul Jones”

Join Two Verbatims and Load Only the Combined Verbatim

Goal: Join two verbatim fields VERBATIM1 and VERBATIM2 into a new VERBATIM3 field and load only the combined verbatim into XM Discover.

How: Perform these steps:

  1. Create a verbatim field called VERBATIM3 and apply the following transformation to it:CONCAT(VERBATIM1, ” “, VERBATIM2)
  2. For VERBATIM1 and VERBATIM2 fields, set Data Type to Do Not Map.
Example: VERBATIM1=”The room was cozy.” and VERBATIM2=”Room service was nice.”  becomes VERBATIM3=”The room was cozy. Room service was nice.”

Multi-Variable Rollup

Goal: Create a multi-variable rollup for answers to a single question that are split across several attributes. Suppose the dataset contains multiple “yes or no” attributes to indicate different levels of membership a customer may have:

  • QID2_1 for Silver
  • QID2_2 for Gold
  • QID2_3 for Platinum

You can roll all the “yes” answers into a single new attribute to indicate the customer’s membership level.

How: Apply the following transformation:

TRIMRIGHT(CONCAT(IF(QID2_1==”Yes”, “Silver”, “”), IF(QID2_2==”Yes”, “Gold”, “”), IF(QID2_3==”Yes”, “Platinum”, “”)))

Example: QID2_1=”No”, QID2_2=”Yes”, and QID2_3=”No” becomes LOYALTY_LEVEL=”Gold”

Remove Leading Character

Goal: Remove the first character in a string.

How: Apply the following transformation:


Example: “x00085524821587582371” becomes “00085524821587582371”

Trim Leading Zeros

Goal: Trim leading zeros in a number.

How: For a text value, apply the following transformation:


For a numeric value, apply the following transformation:


Example: “000123456” becomes “123456”